No te pierdas la entrevista que nos ha hecho @Barredo en #KernelPodcast sobre @tiny__GS@twitter, la red global de seguimiento de satélites. #TinyGS #opensource @mixxio
#kernelpodcast #tinygs #opensource
@pixouls @iffybooks I'm currently working to get an #AREDN network node installed in Emeryville, and hope to get that up and running within the next couple of months. I've also experimented with Lora and #tinygs a bit, it seems like combining the two interests could lead to interesting synergies.
Well, so much for my horizon line.
Playing with antennas in urban environments has some challenges.
Several months ago I began playing with the #tinygs system, which received LORA signals from satellites in LEO. I built a quick (bad) Moxon using some welding rod and zip ties connected to some foam core. I have let it outside, so its begun to look pretty crappy, so I think it is time to construct its replacement. I'm thinking of making it out of copper tape attached to some kind of water proof insulating plate (glass?). I'll let you know how it works out.