I made a #memory #keeper for the #TinyLibrary #MosaicStrict game jam and I am really proud of it! It could be my fanciest looking #microgame yet 💖🥰
#OneCardGame #trinket #doodad #gizmo #token #totem #patchwork #memory #inventory #bank #cute #gamedev #AffinityPublisher #hashtag
#memory #keeper #tinylibrary #MOSAICstrict #microGame #onecardgame #trinket #doodad #gizmo #token #totem #patchwork #inventory #bank #cute #gamedev #affinitypublisher #hashtag
This #littlefreelibrary had a very noisy #librarian. I was always taught you should be quiet in a library. I guess it being #caturday she’s allowed.
#librarycat #tinylibrary #minibieb #Caturday #librarian #littlefreelibrary
@Tdorey @lauraritchie we have a #tinylibrary right across the street. (Converted birdhouse) Love it! I am always taking books and giving back books. It’s now part of the fabric of our neighborhood.