writing prompt- dwelt
Move number fifteen
Home is where I live with you
Pack it up let's go!
I am living in the 15th dwelling of my life, and I am looking at houses, no surprise.
Thanks @aethelshane for sharing this writing prompt idea. #haiku #prompt #tinypoem #poetry #575prompt
#haiku #prompt #tinypoem #poetry #575prompt
Lifeless and broken
In the rush of life's rapids
I've lost who I am.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#haikufeels #lost #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
The world in its caprice
Will deign to say it knows us both
But it knows nothing
And does not even know that it knows nothing.
---Penelope Gilliatt
---found in _Paris Review_ (No. 72; Winter 1997)
Sandy sunlit shore
Secluded from life's bustle
Tranquil paradise
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
#haikufeels #tranquil #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
I’m a riddle in nine syllables,
An elephant, a ponderous house,
A melon strolling on two tendrils.
O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!
This loaf’s big with its yeasty rising.
Money’s new-minted in this fat purse.
I’m a means, a stage, a cow in calf.
I’ve eaten a bag of green apples,
Boarded the train there’s no getting off.
---Sylvia Plath
**Winter Mountain Beasts**
Ate midwinter black bean gruel,
cast out all manner of demons
Fell asleep reading Master Joju’s sayings
*Crunch*—a frozen tree breaking
in the deep lonely of a far mountain
---Cho Oh-hyun (translated by Heinz Insu Fenkl)
Merryness subsides
Excitement is mellowed
To blissful content
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
#haikufeels #content #merry #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Provoked to madness
A desperate bid for normal
To take back control
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku
#haikufeels #provoked #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Sudden Hymn in Winter
What if, after years
of trial,
a love should come
and lay its hand upon you
and say,
this late,
*your life is not a crime*
---Joseph Fasano
#tinypoem #poem - originally shared on the birdsite (https://twitter.com/Joseph_Fasano_/status/1606040368515907584)
A #TinyPoem by Carmen Giménez:
in the legion of animals
the serpent is the queen
and the elephant the serf
the microbe is the god and
the human animal is that
god’s host the factory is
apex maw the folklore its
enforcer father is both lord
and rod and mother is
dollar-dollar bills
molten core of the real
Oh, they notice me
Now that I'm gone, finally,
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#haikufeels #appreciated #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
Gleaming before me
A frost coated wonderland
I gaze, overwhelmed.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#haikufeels #Overwhelmed #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
Roused every morning
By birdsong and the bitter
Whiff of strong coffee.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
#haikuchallenge #Whiff #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Into the river
Adorned with some concrete shoes
It is accomplished
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku
#haikufeels #accomplished #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Left out in the sun
Alone in its happy glow
A rasin is born
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku
#haikufeels #leftout #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon
Uncautious hatred
For those on whom it relied
Left the bird extinct.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadbird #THEEND #birdshiteexodus #twittermigation #welcometomastodon
#haikufeels #cautious #Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadbird #theend #birdshiteexodus #twittermigation #welcometomastodon
Deadlines loom over,
Suffocate with heavy time
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadlines
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #deadlines
My mind, a vessel.
A thousand untold stories
Fight for birth through ink.
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon @haiku #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku
#Haiku #tinypoem #poetry #welshpoetry #poem #poet #micropoetry #smallpoems #PoetryOnMastodon #morninghaiku #dailyhaiku