Jack William Bell · @jackwilliambell
313 followers · 11857 posts · Server rustedneuron.com

A year after David Quinn won the biggest lottery prize in history someone asked him why he had invested nearly all of it into research on time travel.

David said, "Because I didn't buy the ticket. It was under my door when I came home the day after the drawing."

#story #tinystory #shortfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

mediocreatbest · @mediocreatbest
2 followers · 6 posts · Server social.sdf.org

I've got about an hour while laundry is going, so let's try something I wouldn't ordinarily try: there's something with an that I want to experiment with.

So, , one of the biggest challenges is understanding how they work. As a person, I'd like to think that vis is a part of that answer.

I hope to try two "small" things, both with the models. 1) Can I tweak the attention that certain words place on other words? e.g. mapping "this" -> "the book" elsewhere.

#llm #llms #visualization #tinystory

Last updated 1 year ago

Dominik Alexander · @scriptorium_77
8 followers · 331 posts · Server ruhr.social

Ein neues Buch sorgt mal wieder dafür, dass ich etwas vergesse. Nicht etwa das noch nicht beendete andere Buch, sondern meinen Tee, den ich erst trinke, als er kalt ist - nach den ersten vier verzehrten Buchkapiteln.


#amwriting #gettingold #shortstory #tinystory #steampunk #poetryslam

Last updated 1 year ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
63 followers · 432 posts · Server aus.social

Here's a I posted earlier today: reeimaginedworlds.com/2023/04/

It's part of a tiny story words-and-images project I'm doing called

This is the illustration I made for it:

#tinystory #snapshotstories #amwriting #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
64 followers · 406 posts · Server aus.social

Anyone feel like A Cup of Universe Tea?

It's a tiny story I wrote (with accompanying pic/illustration):

It's part of my series 😊

#snapshotstories #amwriting #writingcommunity #tinystory

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
64 followers · 396 posts · Server aus.social
Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
47 followers · 239 posts · Server aus.social

The cat of moonlight and shadows waited near some straggly azalea bushes outside a nondescript suburban house.

Within a few minutes, the resident human opened the front door to peer into the darkness, as if not quite sure why she'd opened the door in the first place.

The cat slipped inside unseen, its wreath of moonlight and shade shifting to give it maximum camouflage, and then the human shut the door carefully, a bewildered look on her face.

She had no idea that her guardian spirit had just arrived.

#tinystory #shortstory #amwriting #creativetoots

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
46 followers · 183 posts · Server aus.social

After a night of multiple wake-ups from dreams with frayed edges, of holding onto lines which need holding, of a 4am wake-up scattered with many bird calls, you sit in the puddle of sunlight in your kitchen and drink your cup of tea.

The sun bathes you in warm.

The eastern sky is white with light, and as much as you squint, you can't yet see any blue.

#tinystory #microfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Margaret Lonsdale · @fhaedra
148 followers · 771 posts · Server creativewriting.social

The thing was so heavy as to require the early release of seventeen strong boned and meaty inmates to aid in hefting it into place above the new shiny lender’s triple fortified and intricately carved front doors.

I thought the place’s name was Reiber, said Mike the Horrible when they were done. He shrugged, squinting in the morning light as he paused to survey their work.

The giant emerald green letters of Reiver ’s new sign only twinkled.


#credit #vss365 #vss #ff #tinystory #writing

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
38 followers · 109 posts · Server aus.social

"That's a light blue, creamy coloured bark forest."

By my LittleOne

#microfiction #tinystory

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
38 followers · 104 posts · Server aus.social

Under the light of the half moon, the path curved into the darkness of the still grass like a promise.

The princess stood, undecided. "What do you think, Lady?"

The dog standing next to her wagged its tail but didn't go any further.

The princess nodded. "Yeah, maybe next time."

They turned and headed back up the palace stairs.

#microfiction #tinystory

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
36 followers · 98 posts · Server aus.social

She fell in the rain and the leaf caught her. Now, she sleeps under a blanket of raindrops.

#tinystory #microfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
17 followers · 37 posts · Server aus.social

In frangipani sun
Looking for the perfect seat
Restless butterfly

#mywriting #writingcommunity #haiku #microfiction #tinystory

Last updated 2 years ago

Reedwithabee · @Reedwithabee
17 followers · 37 posts · Server aus.social

The photographer thought he'd captured an unusual leaf silhouetted against the sparkling stream water.

But what he didn't realise was that it was a frog - curled in mid-leap, twisting and turning to hide a fairy from the camera viewfinder.

The fairy looked up with a startled gasp and disappeared in a flutter of sun sparkles.

Securely hidden behind the green safety of the bushes, she dropped her face into her palms and groaned. She'd been so entranced by the water in its summer sun, her attention had slipped. Badly.

She was now going to have to pay the frog in days of slug-bread, per the long-standing arrangement between the river fairies and frogs. And he was known to be such a grumpy frog too! What bad luck!

The frog landed heavily in a muddy splotch at the water's edge. He looked down at the mud stenching his whole being, and scowled. The other nearby river creatures edged back a little further.

The photographer admired his photo of the river glittering in the sun and absently rubbed his hand against the weird frisson on the back of his neck. Then he got to his feet and kept walking.

#microfiction #tinystory

Last updated 2 years ago