Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
40 followers · 391 posts · Server kolektiva.social

C'est la Semaine de la Fierté à Tio'tia:ke (Montréal) !

Pour les gens qui chercheraient des activités rads à faire :

* Appel à un contingent révolutionnaire dans la marche de la Fierté Trans : samedi 5 août, 14h30, place du "canada"

* Vigile pour la journée des prisonnièrEs. Pas en lien avec la fierté, mais faut quand même souligner la grande proportion de personnes queers qui sont emprisonnéEs. Jeudi 10 août, 18h, parc Vinet

* Rad Pride - manifestation queer radicale : samedi 12 août, 20h, métro Papineau : facebook.com/events/5414111947

Événements trouvés sur resistancemontreal.org/calendr

#tiotiake #mtl #fierte #pride #lgbtq #manifencours

Last updated 1 year ago

Ricochet has published their anticipated piece on airbnb in "montreal":


"Unfortunately, our city and our province, which were once defined by affordability, are now falling through the [evictions and unlicensed Airbnbs] trap." -an actual Airbnb-using landlord

#tiotiake #Tiotiahke #Mooniyang #Montreal #squattheplanet

Last updated 1 year ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
39 followers · 342 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Ok, so friends of mine were doing part of the walk from () to as a event. Unfortunately, the walkers were stopped momentarily in Longueuil by the local police.

The piggies were pissed because the organizers gave them an itinerary, but had to change it at the last minute due to the weather. Apparently there was an extensive discussion on how the organizers didn't have to give an itinerary anyway, the police were overstepping their power, etc. etc.

The walkers were keeping on the sidewalk FFS, they didn't even step on the street. There were people walking on the same sidewalk the police forbid the walkers to use.

The organizers didn't want to push it since some of the walkers had precarious immigration statuses, an understandable position.

But yeah, you give the police an inch (give them an itinerary), they'll take a mile (still nitpick the itinerary you gave them).

So in summary: don't talk to police, , , and especially fuck the longueuil police. We oughta organize a radical protest out there like we did in 2012 and make the fuckers run for their paycheck again.

#tiotiake #mtl #roxhamroad #refugeeswelcome #acab #ftp

Last updated 1 year ago

Umzidiu Meiktok · @umzidiu
190 followers · 296 posts · Server kolektiva.social

J'ai vu que des tankies prétendent que le de Mtl a été «attaqué» par des pro-Ukraine: c'est pas vrai, j'étais là. Contexte: des fachos pro-Poutine et des conspis ont décidé de tenir un rassemblement, dimanche dernier, un peu à l'écart du SLA.

Les organisateurs/trices du rassemblement sont les mêmes énergumènes haineux qui pourrissent la vie de la communauté ukrainienne du Québec en ce moment. Ce sont pas des anars, et iels sont pas affilié-e-s au . Le de (FITAM) est copain avec le SLA par contre parce qu'il se passe juste avant pis c'est le même public international qui va aux deux événements.

Le FITAM a présenté, cette année, une pièce de théâtre intitulée «MARUSYA NIKIFOROVA: Ukraine’s legendary anarchist warrior». L'image ci-dessous, c'est l'affiche du FITAM 2023. ⬇️

C'est-tu assez clair la position des anarchistes de Montréal sur l'🇺🇦?

Oui, des gens de la communauté ukrainienne ont contre-manifesté. Pas contre le SLA - contre les Z. En tout, en comptant les pro-Poutine et les gens de la communauté ukrainienne, y'avait peut-être 25-30 personnes à ce rassemblement.

Le public du SLA a plus ou moins décidé d'ignorer les pro-Poutine, parce que s'il y a bien quelque chose qu'on veut pas au SLA, c'est des flics et de la répression. Mais la police a été appelée par les pro-Poutine parce qu'iels chiaient dans leurs culottes. Sfaque la police est venue au SLA.

À ma connaissance, les gens du SLA ont pas été harcelés par les flics, heureusement. Mais sérieux: Fuck les pro-Poutine et fuck leur instrumentalisation de la liberté d'expression à des fins de propagande haineuse.

#salondulivreanarchiste #sla #festivalinternationaldetheatreanarchiste #mtl #ukraine #grifters #Anarchisme #bookfair #Montreal #tiotiake #propagande

Last updated 1 year ago

With the city of Montreal posturing to maybe(?) crackdown on postering off of pre-approved sites it may be of interest for anarchists to know apparently the Toronto reference library has an exhibit of old posters from the 1970s-80s on display currently including one cute poster being exhibited: nitter.net/pic/orig/media%2FFx stolen from, info at nitter.net/dylan_reid/status/1

#tiotiake #Tiotiahke #Mooniyang

Last updated 1 year ago

So long as the illegitimate, genocidal, colonial state of Canada continues its occupation of Indigenous lands it has no right to dictate who can and can't enter it.
It particularly has responsibility towards those people from countries which it has colonized.

This rally will be a better use of your time than propaganda the media will be showing that day.

Unformatted copy-and-pasted call out ⬇️

Music Beats Borders: Status for All

Outdoor Concert and March

Saturday May 6 at noon

Place de la gare Jean-Talon (next to Parc metro)


If you support the cause of non-status migrants, join us; together we will get there! Please pass on to ten people you know and ask each of them to pass on to ten they know.

Children welcome! Followed by a potluck picnic! Let us know if you need help participating, we will try our best to make this an accessible and safe place for everyone!

Stella Adjoké
Fanfare d'occasion
Los mosca
Jeet Ram
RIchardson Charles Alida
Ma Bobi (Corinne Bolamba) et Prince du Congo

Join Solidarity Across Borders in a boisterous springtime protest in Trudeau's home riding to demand that the government immediately put a stop to deportations and detentions, open a regularization programme which gives permanent residence to all undocumented migrants, without exception or discrimination, and give permanent status to all low-waged temporary workers on arrival and cancel the Safe Third Country Agreement.

The long delay in the regularization program promised in 2021, the continuation of deportations and detentions, and the closure of several borders including the Canadian-US border, are pushing people to despair and to take even greater risks. Yet more people will die trying to find a better life.

In the context of multiple global crises, migrants are being scapegoated in Quebec and Canada. But, we did not cause the housing crisis, the health system crisis, the affordability crisis, the climate crisis, nor the crises in our home countries which pushed us to migrate.... On the contrary, we are among the most hard-hit by these crises. We call on everyone on the frontlines of these crises to join hands and fight together for a more just world, where all of our lives count equally.

Canada's immigration system systematically privileges white and wealthy people and routinely denies entry or permanent status to low-wage, often racialized workers from colonized countries. As long as this system stands, more and more people will take risks to cross the borders closed to them and will join the ranks of undocumented migrants in Canada.

Solidarité sans frontières: www.solidaritesansfrontieres.org
Solidarity Across Borders: www.solidarityacrossborders.org
Solidaridad sin fronteras: www.solidarityacrossborders.org/es

e-mail: solidaritesansfrontieres@gmail.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/CiteSansFrontieres
twitter: @SolidariteMTL
tél.: 514-809-0773

#tiotiake #Mooniyang #Tiotiahke

Last updated 1 year ago

Skinnybones · @skinnybones514
1 followers · 9 posts · Server mastodonmusic.social

and I are now at close to 30 episodes of Heavy Metal Parking Lot, our monthly radio show on . A few years in, episode 29 airs today at 5pm EST.

Tune in for your monthly fix of recontextualised musics, levels easy to difficult!

With the sounds of and

#ylangylang #n10as #webradio #ratheartensemble #patrickcowley #sungod #laminfofana #nyokabikariuki #motenlopezcleaver #khammeslien #fatimakwake #stefanafratila #peterbarclay #gayance #tiotiake #montreal #montrealshowsdotcom

Last updated 2 years ago

Skinnybones · @skinnybones514
1 followers · 7 posts · Server mastodonmusic.social

Got to do my first full jam yesterday at the beautiful space I moved into at the top of the month. First thing I did was pin my banner on the wall, felt really good and set the tone. /

#studio #tadamun #tiotiake #montreal #FreePalestine #boycottdivestsanction

Last updated 2 years ago

Skinnybones · @skinnybones514
1 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodonmusic.social

Really great mostly free film/talks/event programming by all this week to highlight the international day against and the here in . /

#festivalaccesasie #racism #weekofactionagainstracism #quebec #montreal #tiotiake

Last updated 2 years ago

Skinnybones · @skinnybones514
0 followers · 1 posts · Server mastodonmusic.social

This month's critical mass will take place Friday March 31 - meeting at 5pm, departing at 5:30; in both cases from parc ave. monument george etienne-cartier. (Hat tip to @/kayoazul on the birdsite for the info)

If you don't like following laws, this may be a place for you as sometimes more may be broken than even strategic.
Also if you're a curmudgeonly anarchist organizer bitter that your skills aren't more sought after, this is an event that might benefit from your work.

#tiotiake #tiohtiake #Mooniyang

Last updated 2 years ago

A reminder of the demonstration occurring at 5:30pm eastern time today.

Text from the instagram link below:

"🚨Homelesss Encampment EVICTION🚨 The Montreal Autonomous Tenants' Union is calling for a public demonstration this Monday, 5:30pm, outside Atwater metro station (Cabot Square). We have received word from a union member living within the encampment under the Ville-Marie Expressway that an eviction is planned for the first week of March. True or not, we are asking for the permanent cancellation of this "postponed" eviction, and arrangements for good housing for encampment residents. Share widely and bring out your networks.

These evictions are not solutions to homelessness and do not improve the lives of people who are homeless. Homelessness is caused by our broken shelter system, the predatory rents and evictions of landlords, and the modern austerity politics of capitalist governments who underfund and mismanage mental health, social, and housing services.

Some members of the encampment have been living there for over five years. After our union helped to push back the last eviction, members of the encampment were promised good housing by the government. From what we can tell, this ended up being only talk and PR.

The housing crisis affects us all! Defend your neighbours!



May this site's residents be successful and may all find shelter in the place they call home.

#tenantsunion #homelessencampment #evictiondefense #solidarity #encampment #eviction #Montreal #tiotiake #Tiotiahke #Mooniyang #polmtl

Last updated 2 years ago

Upcoming event February 16 at Point-à-Callière

From Taiaiake Alfred:

"This free-to-attend conference will highlight Québécois-Kanien'kehaka collaborative work being done on the Indigenous history of Tiohtià:ke (Montréal).

It's sure to be an important sharing of recent research advances in oral history and archeology."


Hat tip to Russ Diabo for sharing Alfred's publicizing.

Reserve places:

#tiotiake #tiohtiake #indigenousallies

Last updated 2 years ago

So especially since ' really haven't seen it reported at all other than via CKUT's Prison Radio Show but the québec government is planning the $400 million CAD construction of a new women's prison on the island of so-called Montréal.

Obviously it's something to be resisted: for financial and environmental costs, and the inhumanity of caging people.

Let's learn from our co-conspirators in other locations and our elders through history.

#nonewprisons #tiotiake #Mooniyang #tiohtiake #Montreal #abolishprisons #Decarcerate

Last updated 2 years ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
33 followers · 187 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@antifaintl This article is better than most, but it could go in more details how terrible the so-called "LGB alliance" actually is. There's an open letter by the counter-demo's organizer which goes into more details: docs.google.com/document/d/1tR

I wasn't at the counter-demo, but someone who was said that it was a complete success: the transphobe was forced to run away from the room, the "debate" was cancelled, and the counter-protest proceeded to do an impromptu march in support of trans healthcare rights.

Social medias are ripping their shirts about "'mah freedom of expression" but let's make one thing very, very clear :


#transrights #tiotiake #mtl #fuckterf #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
33 followers · 187 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@zola @cedar I see a swing of the pendulum starting right about now. Lots of new collectives have been popping in () in the last few months and some are working in building new spaces, or rebuilding older ones.

I have lots of hope, but there's a ton of training to do. Anarchism is fun, but it is a lot of work, of practice, of trial and error, of highlighting the hidden authority structures in society and in our groups, of explaining why we need to fight them, etc.

That new generation is doing things their own way, but at the same time willing to listen, so it's been thrilling. I'm learning of letting go of some of the collectives I've used to be involved in, just to see what they're going to do with it. So far, it's been intense, but thrilling.

And the most fun I've had since the pandemic hit, that's for sure.

#tiotiake #mtl

Last updated 2 years ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
33 followers · 187 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I'm sick of these m*fucking transphobes in my m*fucking city! McGill University, in line with their pro-war, pro-genocide, pro-pipeline, anti-Palestine and anti-Indigenous agenda, is organizing a conference with an outspoken transphobe from the UK this Tuesday, January 10th, at 12:40 at their 3644 Peel building: facebook.com/events/9404201106 At least the shitstains at the McGill admin are coherent with their values...

#tiotiake #mtl #fuckterfs #translivesmatter #fuckmcgill

Last updated 2 years ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
24 followers · 155 posts · Server kolektiva.social

prime minister legault is really playing with fire. I've done way, way, way too many vigils for murdered black kids, and the crowd is getting more and more restless.

community leaders keep reminding people of MLK (and never Malcom X and the Black Panthers of course) to calm things down but i feel like the kids are listening less and less. they're itching for a fight: anything's better than waiting to be slaughtered.

remember that for every black kid killed, there's a dozen imprisoned on trumped up charges, a hundred arrested for no reason, a thousand harassed on a daily basis...

our leaders prides themselves that the George Floyd protests weren't so intense here, but we're really standing knee-deep in gasoline here and our fucking police are throwing lit matches at each other.

how quick do they forget the Villanueva riot!

#justicefornicous #ftp #acab #justicepournicous #fuckthepolice #tiotiake #mtl

Last updated 2 years ago

Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
20 followers · 141 posts · Server kolektiva.social
Raton Baveur · @ratonbaveur
24 followers · 155 posts · Server kolektiva.social