I've noticed that I'm feeling a bit weak after the last five days.
I skied three hours on ice on Saturday, four on Sunday, and more yesterday in deep snow with a load on my back.
Any ideas on a #climate compatible diet for really heavy exercise outside the fishing, berry, and mushroom seasons? Something I can get from a regular store. 🤔
#climate #diet #gym #workout #health #tipswelcome
I love number synchronicity so having achieved 33% of my ko-fi.com goal is super exciting!
Can you spare $5? Wanna buy a membership and receive monthly secret behind-the-scenes images? Are you a purveyor of art and want to give generously?
Then click on the link below!
Or just, you know, share as much as possible. Thanks folx.
#MastoArt #artist #art #melbourne #victoria #australia #kofi #KofiGoal #donate #tip #TipsWelcome #photography #LandscapePhotography #painter #ActuallyAutistic #ArtistWithADisability #DisabilityArtist #photographer #tlwvision
#mastoart #artist #art #melbourne #victoria #australia #kofi #kofigoal #donate #tip #tipswelcome #photography #landscapephotography #painter #actuallyautistic #artistwithadisability #disabilityartist #photographer #tlwvision
This is my first toot while I get the hang of this thing. #newhere #tipswelcome
I know that in this economy not everyone can buy art, but independent artists have expenses too, so how about throwing a tip my way?
I'll upload exclusive content for your generous support.
#tlwvision #photography #LandscapePhotography #MastoArt #art #melbourne #victoria #australia #kofi #KofiGoal #donate #tip #TipsWelcome
#tlwvision #photography #landscapephotography #mastoart #art #melbourne #victoria #australia #kofi #kofigoal #donate #tip #tipswelcome
Pardon mais comment fait-on pour savoir si Jean Michel KPop a changé de t-shirt aujourd'hui ? #tipswelcome
Kalau korang nak login kt web tu, make sure domain address yg nak masuk tu sama macam server korg register contoh: home.social . Jgn pegi address server lain plak. Mmg login fail ler #tipswelcome
How do I find a host server that I might be interested in? I see a few toots from a place called jouro.host and others that I would like to explore but when I try a search, nothing comes up. That's what I miss about the bird - I'm finding the search function here too complicated. Also trying to find mastodons for news and journo sites as well as Australian weather. #Tipswelcome