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Gonfiore alle gambe: sollievo e leggerezza con 5 alimenti antiossidanti.
#saluteebenessere #tisane #decotti #ecobio #rimedinaturali #autoproduzione #alimentazione #erbe #antiossidanti #antinfiammatorio
#SaluteEBenessere #tisane #decotti #ecobio #rimedinaturali #autoproduzione #alimentazione #erbe #antiossidanti #antinfiammatorio
This is my favorite #tea (ok, #tisane) in the entire world:
I almost didn't buy it initially because I'm not a huge licorice fan. But it turns out licorice ROOT is slightly sweet and a subtle flavor and amazing. And this tea has a milder mint than some, and tiny hints of clove. It's so good, I'm buying at least my third GIANT bag of the stuff. I also swear it makes my slightly cranky stomach happier.
🤗 Les bienfaits des tisanes 🍵🌼🍃
« Les tisanes nous accompagnent toute la vie. Faciles à préparer, riches en principes actifs, elles apportent des bienfaits variés selon leur variété. Calmantes, digestives, soulageant les maux de gorge, les jambes lourdes ou autres désagréments, les tisanes ont plus d’un tour dans leur sac »
Magia dell'Alto Adige (menta piperita, menta limoncella, foglie di lampone, sambuco, foglie di fragola, fiori di fiordaliso, petali di rosa, monarda).
Non farà magie ma per la tosse un po' di sollievo lo dà.
#tisanesegrete #teatime #tisane #petersteahouse #sudtirol
#tisanesegrete #teatime #tisane #petersteahouse #Sudtirol
I used tea processing techniques on the same local "weed".
The "white" was subtle. Scent: You're young, lounging on a cotton picnic blanket in a verdant field. A creek burbles nearby. Taste: You've got a good book in hand and a stalk of sweetgrass in your water.
The "black" was less so. Scent: You're resting in a hay loft after stacking green pine logs. A new friend eats a salad beside you. Taste: You start necking.
#TastePictures #Tea #Tisane #HerbalTea #Foraging #Foraged #Tasting
#tastepictures #tea #tisane #herbaltea #foraging #foraged #tasting
What's your fancy? ☕🙌🏽🍵
I get a *sense* of #Mastodon #coffee & #tea trends, via #research & #observation (🤓), but still curious..
1️⃣ Coffee
(Any type ~ #filter / #espresso / #pourover / &c)
2️⃣ Tea
(Here, I mean #BlackTea / #GreenTea / #WhiteTea, though I love #tisane aka #HerbalTea)
3️⃣ Both
('No need to choose!')
4️⃣ Neither ('No thanks') *OR* Other (& comment ⤵)
Choose #4️⃣ if you prefer something else like #cacao / #cocoa!
#café #kahvi #kaffee #CamelliaSinensis #drinks #food #poll @coffee
#poll #food #drinks #Camelliasinensis #kaffee #kahvi #cafe #cocoa #cacao #herbaltea #tisane #whitetea #greentea #blacktea #pourover #espresso #filter #observation #research #tea #coffee #Mastodon
@scrumble_eggs In my experience, hot dog water doesn't (typically) contain any Camellia sinensis, so I would argue that it's actually a #tisane
Collected some of the withering #Hibiscus available from our tree to dry out and make tisane with.
What's a #tisane? Tisanes have no caffeine and can be served hot or cold.
#Teas come from the Camellia sinensis plant and are caffeinated to differing degrees.
Hibiscus blend (steep 5 mins):
- 2 boiled cups water
- 5 dried hibiscus flowers or 2 tablespoons dried and crushed flowers
- half lemon sliced thinly
- pinch of turmeric (optional)
- 1 teaspoon honey (use another sweetener if vegan).
I'll spare the not-so-lovely details, but this recent gastrointestinal gift the Youngest brought home from school makes me very grateful for my electric kettle and my stash of dried herbs.
Currently enjoying a blend of ginger, anise seed, peppermint, yarrow, elderflower, and calendula with a splash of local honey and whole milk.
White cranberry bark
Smells like cranberry and vanilla. Has delightful toasty notes while steeping, almost as though you're roasting some cinnamon on the fire. Tastes like very mild, sweet cranberry juice.
#teavent #davidstea #tisane #tea
Today it's sweet puffed rice balls to go with the same #tisane as yesterday.
It's been a while since I had #GreenTea.
Made this #tisane with green tea and lavendar in it. Very soothing.
Sliced a star fruit to go with it and got some gourmet chilli, garlic & carrot salt from #Vietnam that's very #umami thanks to #MSG.
It's a nice balmy afternoon in #Hosur, so indulging myself a bit.
What are you having #MastIndia?
#greentea #tisane #vietnam #umami #msg #Hosur #mastindia
Gardeners garden for different reasons, 'tis true. Sometimes one of those is just "why buy it if you can grow it?"
Tisana di Erba Mate o Yerba Mate: brucia i grassi e placa la fame nervosa #PerderePeso #ProprietdegliAlimenti #Tisane #7agosto
#7agosto #tisane #ProprietdegliAlimenti #PerderePeso
Come disintossicare il corpo da parassiti e infezioni batteriche con la tisana di zenzero, curcuma e olio di cocco #RimediCurativi #SaluteBenessere #Tisane #3giugno
#3giugno #tisane #SaluteBenessere #RimediCurativi