To everyone who is fasting for Tisha B'Av, may you have an easy fast. If you're like me and medically aren't able to fast, well *shakes extra bland meal replacement drink*
Please go listen to this amazing album about the book of lamentations:
It'll really be a new kind of Tisha B'Av with a Jewish government in a Jewish state making that state go downhill like this.
#tishabav #jewdiverse #Mazeldon
As Tisha B'Av begins tonight, we're reminded of the resilience of our people in the face of adversity. As we commemorate the Temples' destruction, let's also remember that from the fragments of the past, we build our future. #TishaBAv #JewishResilience #BuildingFromLoss
#buildingfromloss #jewishresilience #tishabav
Has someone already written a new kinnah mourning the loss of democracy in Israel davka just before Tisha B'Av?
#judaism #NineDays #tishabav #jewdiverse #Mazeldon
Join us for our #Shabbat service this Saturday at 12 pm EDT/1600 UTC.
To register:
In this alternative #TishaBav service, we will questioning why are we still mourning the destruction of the Temple and its cult of animal sacrifice? In fact, as Humanistic Jews, shouldn't we be seeing Tisha B'av in a new way - as a day of celebrating the continuing reinvention of our tradition? We will be discussing this after a short D'var Torah talk.
#shabbat #tishabav #humanisticjudaism #mazeldon
Today marks #TishaBAv, when we mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples as well as numerous other tragedies that befell the Jewish community on the 9th of Av. May this be a day of meaningful reflection for all who commemorate.
"Jerusalem has sinned greatly, therefore she is become a mockery"
if you want to talk to me about "children [having] gone away, captives before the foe", talk to me about the ~300 Palestinian children in Israeli prisons who have been denied legal representation and subjected to physical abuse and solitary confinement. if you want to talk about "[shedding] . . . the blood of the righteous", talk to me about Razan Al-Najar, the 21-year-old nurse who was killed by Israeli forces while attempting to minister aid in the Gaza Strip. if you want to talk about how "enemies are now the masters" and "foes are at ease", if you want to talk about "oracles of delusion and folly", talk about Zionist politicians courting anti-Semitic Evangelicals who only support the State of Israel because they believe its existence will usher in the Apocalypse. if you want to talk about people who become "fugitives and wanderers", a people driven from the land where they lived and denied a return, talk about the Nakba and the illegal settlements that continue to this day. there is no room for apartheid, no room for colonialism, no room for white supremacy, no room for Zionism in my Judaism. i know what i'm fasting for this #TishaBAv, and it isn't the destruction of the Jewish temple