I've built the Academy 1/700 scale of the RMS Titanic! This was the first glue together model kit I've put together and I'm quite happy with it 😤 The music is the Cafe Parisian or B-Deck music from a video game I loved as a child "Titanic: Adventure Out of Time." #PlaMo #Titanic #TitanicAdventureOutOfTime
#plamo #titanic #titanicadventureoutoftime
I've heard the first ten or so eps of #TheMagnusArchives and I've been rather enjoying it. The main narrator guy sounds like the butler in #TitanicAdventureOutOfTime lol #Horror
#themagnusarchives #titanicadventureoutoftime #horror
Playing every night until we finished for #WutGamesWeek on #twitch. Check out the VOD of our first night! Please mind the slow start, it's been an emotional week and I've been fighting just to get it running properly, a fight all the way to the start (of stream). #Gaming #PC #1996 https://www.twitch.tv/vietzomb/v/1672520883?sr=a&t=3s
#titanicadventureoutoftime #wutgamesweek #twitch #gaming #pc