#Titanoboa lebte vor ca. 60 Mio. Jahren. Diese Schlange wurde 13 Meter lang und wog über eine Tonne. Zum Vergleich: die aktuell größte #Schlange, die #Anakonda, wird 9 Meter lang und 200 kg schwer.
#natur #anakonda #Schlange #titanoboa
This is, without a doubt, my best (and first and last) attempt at palaeoart. Having achieved peak scientific accuracy and artistic excellence, I decided to retire while I was still on top.
#AsciiArt #TextArt #PalaeoArt ->(sorry for adding this tag, I hope you find it funny) #dinosaurs #humor #joke #sauropod #theropod #titanoboa
#titanoboa #theropod #sauropod #joke #humor #dinosaurs #palaeoart #textart #asciiart
Annonymous User commissioned #ClaireDearing from #JurassicWorld facing a #Titanoboa #Kaa... His #hypnosis is waaay too strong! Sadly no Cavewomen when he was around.
#clairedearing #jurassicworld #titanoboa #kaa #hypnosis
RT @HodariNundu@twitter.com
A female Titanoboa eats a male after mating for extra protein during gestation :B Doodle inspired by sexual cannibalism reported for modern anacondas. Did it happen? I dunno. But I bet you hadn't seen this before :B #titanoboa #paleoart
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HodariNundu/status/1357495444985630722
1:1 model of prehistoric titanoboa...
#titanoboa #giant #snake #prehistoric #actualsize #museum #sculpture
#actualsize #museum #sculpture #titanoboa #giant #snake #prehistoric