Unauthorized Migrant Crossings at U.S.-Mexico Border Plunged in June https://politicaliq.com/2023/07/12/unauthorized-migrant-crossings-at-u-s-mexico-border-plunged-in-june/ #Border #DHS #migrants #MexicoBorder #Title42 #Majorkas #BorderPatrol #asylum #AsylumSeekers #CBP #politicaliq #news #politics
#border #dhs #migrants #mexicoborder #title42 #majorkas #borderpatrol #asylum #AsylumSeekers #cbp #politicaliq #News #politics
#DHS Sees 70% Decrease in Unlawful Entries at the #Border Since End of #Title42
#immigration #migrants
#dhs #border #title42 #immigration #migrants
#RandiRhodes just made a great point on her show:
Notice Republicans aren't screaming about the #border / #BorderCrisis anymore? The end of #Title42 was supposed to be the end of the world.
"So what happened? Well, Title42 had no penalty for repeat offenders while #Title8 (which we operate under now) does not."
I'd add: Republicans said the end of Title42 meant an "#OpenBorder" for so long that the urgency to cross NOW went away ("Open border means I can try to cross ANYTIME.) 😆
#randirhodes #border #bordercrisis #title42 #title8 #openborder
Do people watch? Are these discussions valuable? I always wonder. In this instance, three of us discussed #immigration and the end of #Title42: two journalists who report at the border and an immigration attorney.
Are these shows valuable and how would we know one way or another?
It also amuses me because in my personal life, I am not someone people really want to hear from. But I go on TV and pretend I'm someone who has things to say that people want to hear. Ha ha.
#immigration #title42 #partylikeajournalist
Podcast 11KM: Das Ringen um eine humanere US-Migrationspolitik
Große Hoffnungen nach einer oft lebensgefährlichen Reise: Viele Menschen aus Lateinamerika versuchen, in den USA neu anzufangen. US-Präsident Biden hatte eine humanere Einwanderungspolitik versprochen - was ist davon übrig?
#11km #usa #title42 #einwanderung
#immigration #southernborder #migration #refugees #migrants #immigrants #daca #dreamers #title42
#immigration #southernborder #migration #refugees #migrants #immigrants #daca #dreamers #title42
On tonight's episode of "New Mexico In Focus," I joined a panel with immigration attorney Sophia Genovese and photojournalist Roberto Rosales for a discussion of the end of #Title42, the border and the politics *and* policy of #immigration. #NewMexico #PBS
#title42 #immigration #newmexico #pbs
The Biden Administration has replaced #Title42, the draconian Trump-era COVID policy, with even tougher requirements for asylum seekers known as “Circumvention of Lawful Pathways."
#immigration #usborder
#title42 #immigration #usborder
DHS Says the U.S. Deported 11,000 Migrants in Week After End of Title 42 https://politicaliq.com/2023/05/19/dhs-says-the-u-s-deported-11000-migrants-in-week-after-end-of-title-42/ #DHS #HomelandSecurity #migrants #immigration #Title42 #Title8 #Deportations #Border #BorderPatrol #CBP #politicaliq #news #politics
#dhs #homelandsecurity #migrants #immigration #title42 #title8 #deportations #border #borderpatrol #cbp #politicaliq #News #politics
"The rules are different now." Many migrants stuck on Mexican side of Southwest border are hunkering in for now, weighing risks, assessing U.S. enforcement posture post-#Title42
LA Times Hamed Aleaziz and Patrick J McDonnell
Congress may soon approve new mines on the same land that “El Jefe,” one of the last jaguars in the United States, passes through.
#Title42 #borders #Immigration #asylum
#title42 #borders #immigration #asylum
Title 42, a pandemic-related public health restriction, expired May 11. A Trump-era policy allowing the refusal of immigrants at the border has now lapsed.
Click the link to read about Title 42.
#Title42 #immigrationv
THE SAME REPUBLICANS who repeatedly insist "#Covid is over"...
...are the SAME REPUBLICANS demanding "#Title42" (the policy of deporting people w/o question b/c of Covid) remain in effect. 🤔 #Immigration #BorderCrisis #ImmigrationReformNow
#covid #title42 #immigration #bordercrisis #immigrationreformnow
1500 Troops to Arrive on Border Next Week https://politicaliq.com/2023/05/03/1500-troops-to-arrive-on-border-next-week/ #border #BorderSecurity #Mexico #CentralAmerica #Army #USMC #Title42 #Pentagon #politicaliq #news #politics
#border #bordersecurity #mexico #CentralAmerica #army #USMC #title42 #pentagon #politicaliq #News #politics
White House Unveils New Plan for Tackling #Border Crossings Post-#Covid https://politicaliq.com/2023/04/27/white-house-unveils-new-plan-for-tackling-border-crossings-post-covid/ #Blinken #Mayorkas #DHS #CBP #Title42 #Colombia #Guatemala #politicaliq #news #politics
#border #covid #blinken #mayorkas #dhs #cbp #title42 #colombia #guatemala #politicaliq #News #politics
Reads differently when framed by lens of #Biden’s harsh #immigration policies, including #Title42 and his administration’s obsession - like the Tories - with “legal pathways” to entry. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/09/world/europe/biden-ireland-visit.html
The blaze in the a migrant detention center in Ciudad Juárez killed 40 people and injured dozens more.
#mexico #worldnew #immigration #ciudadjuarez #Title42
#mexico #worldnew #immigration #ciudadjuarez #title42
Immigrants in Washington who have questions or need assistance regarding the end of #Title42 or the #AsylumBan can call the WAISN hotline at 1-844-724-3737. We have a multi-lingual, multicultural team ready to assist. 4/END
#Title42 is ending on May 11 and public health can no longer be a poor excuse to scapegoat and criminalize vulnerable migrants, yet @POTUS is doubling down to launch an immoral #AsylumBan the same day, taking away the right for people and families seeking protection + safety. 2/
#SupremeCourt Cancels Arguments on #Title42 https://politicaliq.com/2023/02/16/supreme-court-cancels-arguments-on-title-42/ #Covid_19 #Covid19 #border #politicaliq #news #politics
#supremecourt #title42 #COVID_19 #COVID19 #border #politicaliq #News #politics