#TitleX has been chronically underfunded for a long time and the demand for care has significantly outpaced resources. Eliminating the program would further devastate access to sexual and reproductive health care across the U.S., prompting chaos in our health care safety net.
Because of structural oppression, people with low incomes, and especially people of color, LGBTQI+ people, and people in rural communities make up a huge proportion of those who rely on #TitleX to access essential services.
As the board chair of Converge: Partners in Access, the sole #TitleX grantee for Mississippi, I am deeply concerned about how the House's radical proposal could affect access to essential sexual and reproductive health care for low-income and underserved communities.
This week the House released its L-HHS funding bill, which would defund #TitleX, the nation’s ONLY dedicated federal funding for family planning. Now more than ever, everyone needs access to #ReproHealth care, and we must #SaveTitleX.
#savetitlex #reprohealth #titlex
I'm old enough to remember Joe Biden promising a "whole of government response" to abortion bans
https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/20/omnibus-bill-family-planning-00074786 #TitleX
Abortion is banned in a quarter of states.
STDs are at record rates.
Congress is keeping funding for #TitleX flat for the 9th year in a row.
The program provides STD testing and contraception for millions of low-income Americans.
A Trump judge just fired the first shot against birth control, in Deanda v. Becerra. - Vox
In retrospect, it was inevitable that this particular judge would come for contraception.
#USPol #ChristianNationalism #BirthControl #Contraception #TitleX #DeandaVBecerra
#deandavbecerra #titlex #contraception #birthcontrol #ChristianNationalism #uspol
Title X clinics, funded by @HHSPopAffairs, provide a broad range of confidential family planning services and preventive health services, such as STI and HIV testing. Find a #TitleX clinic near you. ReproductiveHealthServices.gov #ReproductiveHealth #KnowYourReproductiveRights
#knowyourreproductiverights #reproductivehealth #titlex
This #GivingTuesday, please consider helping their phenomenal team multiply their impact in 2023: https://convergeaccess.org/donate/
You can also follow their work at https://convergeaccess.org/.
#contracetiveaccess #familyplanning #TitleX #Medicaid #reproductivehealth #healthpolicy 10/10
#healthpolicy #reproductivehealth #medicaid #titlex #familyPlanning #contracetiveaccess #GivingTuesday
This #GivingTuesday, please consider helping their phenomenal team multiply their impact in 2023: https://convergeaccess.org/donate/
You can also follow their work at https://convergeaccess.org/.
#contracetiveaccess #familyplanning #TitleX #Medicaid #reproductivehealth #healthpolicy 10/10
#healthpolicy #reproductivehealth #medicaid #titlex #familyPlanning #contracetiveaccess #GivingTuesday
This #GivingTuesday, please consider helping their phenomenal team multiply their impact in 2023: https://convergeaccess.org/donate/
You can also follow their work at https://convergeaccess.org/.
#contracetiveaccess #familyplanning #TitleX #Medicaid #reproductivehealth #healthpolicy
#healthpolicy #reproductivehealth #medicaid #titlex #familyPlanning #contracetiveaccess #GivingTuesday
(You can learn about HHS’s historic decision to grant Converge the #TitleX grant for Mississippi, which the state health department previously administered since the 1970s (with objectively unacceptable outcomes), here; https://mississippitoday.org/2022/04/29/converge-title-x-family-planning/) 🙌 5/
(You can learn about HHS’s historic decision to grant Converge the #TitleX grant for Mississippi, which the state health department previously administered since the 1970s (with objectively unacceptable outcomes), here; https://mississippitoday.org/2022/04/29/converge-title-x-family-planning/) 🙌 5/
Third, Converge works directly with the health system system to expand its capacity to promote reproductive health care access and equity. Earlier this year, they beat out Mississippi for the federal #TitleX grant for the state. Since then, Converge has been hard at work strengthening & growing the state's long-neglected clinic network so that low-income & uninsured beneficiaries can access high-quality family planning & related preventive services. https://convergeaccess.org/2022/03/30/title-x-federal-funding-awarded-to-converge/ 4/
Third, Converge works directly with the health system system to expand its capacity to promote reproductive health care access and equity. Earlier this year, they beat out Mississippi for the federal #TitleX grant for the state. Since then, Converge has been hard at work strengthening & growing the state's long-neglected clinic network so that low-income & uninsured beneficiaries can access high-quality family planning & related preventive services. https://convergeaccess.org/2022/03/30/title-x-federal-funding-awarded-to-converge/ 4/
Converge also works directly on the health care system level. Earlier this year, they beat out Mississippi for the federal #TitleX grant for the state. Since then, Converge has been hard at work strengthening & growing the state's long-neglected clinic network so that low-income & uninsured beneficiaries can access high-quality family planning & related preventive services. https://convergeaccess.org/2022/03/30/title-x-federal-funding-awarded-to-converge/ 4/