A view of the Clee Hills from our drone above The Larch Barn, a cafe and plant nursery near Cleobury Mortimer in South Shropshire. During a recent shoot.
Titterstone Clee Hill on the left, and Brown Clee Hill on the right.
#Drone #DronePhotography #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #Shropshire #England #Worcestershire #LoneTree #Fields #CleeHills #TitterstoneCleeHill #BrownCleeHill #CleoburyMortimer
#cleoburymortimer #browncleehill #titterstonecleehill #cleehills #fields #lonetree #worcestershire #england #shropshire #LandscapePhotography #Landscape #dronephotography #drone
A view of the Clee Hills from our drone above The Larch Barn, a cafe and plant nursery near Cleobury Mortimer in South Shropshire. During a recent shoot.
Titterstone Clee Hill on the left, and Brown Clee Hill on the right.
#Drone #DronePhotography #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #Shropshire #England #Worcestershire #LoneTree #Fields #CleeHills #TitterstoneCleeHill #BrownCleeHill #CleoburyMortimer
#cleoburymortimer #browncleehill #titterstonecleehill #cleehills #fields #lonetree #worcestershire #england #shropshire #LandscapePhotography #Landscape #dronephotography #drone
A tiny planet of Titterstone Clee hill in Shropshire. Showing the huge 'bite' out of the hill due to the old quarry works towards the top. The NATS Radar can be seen at the top, with the weather radar close to '1 o'clock' and the masts at the radar station around '2 o'clock' The town of Ludlow is in the distance, around '8 o'clock'
#Drone #DronePhotography #TinyPlanet #TinyPlanets #Hill #TitterstoneCleeHill #radar #Countryside #Shropshire #England
#england #shropshire #countryside #radar #titterstonecleehill #hill #tinyplanets #tinyplanet #dronephotography #drone
A desolate scene on Titterstone Clee Hill.
A panorama of some of the abandoned and derelict buildings at the old quarry workings. Looking towards the summit.
Best viewed full screen :)
#Photography #Photography #Panorama #Shropshire #UK #England #Quarry #Abandoned #TitterstoneCleeHill #CleeHill #WelshMarches #Desolate
#desolate #welshmarches #cleehill #titterstonecleehill #abandoned #quarry #england #UK #shropshire #panorama #Photography
Cloud inversion. Drone shot looking down the old Titterstone Incline from the abandoned quarry buildings on Titterstone Clee Hill in Shropshire. Some Welsh hills can just be seen on the horizon, peeking out from the fog.
#drone #dronephotography #aerial #dronephotos #aerialphotography #fog #lowclouds #cloudinversion #winter #landscapephotography #landscape #cloudporn #shropshire #shropshirehills #shropshirehillsaonb #titterstonecleehill #cleehills #abandonedplaces #abandoned #dji
#DJI #abandoned #abandonedplaces #cleehills #titterstonecleehill #shropshirehillsaonb #shropshirehills #shropshire #cloudporn #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #Winter #cloudinversion #lowclouds #fog #aerialPhotography #dronephotos #aerial #dronephotography #drone
Cloud inversion. Drone shot looking down the old Titterstone Incline from the abandoned quarry buildings on Titterstone Clee Hill in Shropshire. Some Welsh hills can just be seen on the horizon, peeking out from the fog.
#drone #dronephotography #aerial #dronephotos #aerialphotography #fog #lowclouds #cloudinversion #winter #landscapephotography #landscape #cloudporn #shropshire #shropshirehills #shropshirehillsaonb #titterstonecleehill #cleehills #abandonedplaces #abandoned #dji
#DJI #abandoned #abandonedplaces #cleehills #titterstonecleehill #shropshirehillsaonb #shropshirehills #shropshire #cloudporn #Landscape #LandscapePhotography #Winter #cloudinversion #lowclouds #fog #aerialPhotography #dronephotos #aerial #dronephotography #drone