I've been playing #BaldursGate Enhanced Edition. I've tried to play BG1 for years but could never get into it because it can be pretty hard at the start. But I've started to have fun with it, and am making good progress (I just stepped into the #titular city).
Also, I'm playing on my #iPad. The touch controls can be a little annoying (WALK INTO THAT DOOR. IT'S RIGHT THERE!) but it's mostly serviceable.
Dice: Gobierno anuncia construcción de 65 mil "viviendas dignas" para palear déficit habitacional
Debió decir: Gobierno anuncia construcción de "65 mil viviendas dignas para paliar déficit habitacional"
Por si fuera poco, cabe destacar que el verbo que quieren usar el "paliar" (sinónimo de mitigar, disminuir, atenuar) en lugar de "palear" (algo que se hace con una pala).
#fediverse #correcciondeestilo #titular #redaccion
#fediverse #correcciondeestilo #titular #redaccion
In the #Donetsk region, the occupiers openly recognized the "#Russians" as the #titular nation for the first time.
This is exactly how Art. 33 of the constitution of the #DNR, which was approved on the eve of the #NewYear for inclusion in the #RussianFederation.
The #Russian people came to replace the non-existent and incomprehensible "people of #Donbas". This paper became an official part of the constitutions of Russia from the moment it was written.
#Donbas #Russian #RussianFederation #NewYear #dnr #titular #russians #donetsk