#Fighting #American #colonizers in the 1800s. Setting the foundation for #Canada ’s first major #AntiLogging action. #Trailblazing #TribalParks and #sustainable #logging practices. How the #Tlaoquiaht continue to take #stewardship of their territory back into their own hands.
#ClayoquotSound #BritishColumbia #landback #FirstNations #NativeRights #decolonization #NativeLeadership #LandGuardians #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BCFirstNations #empowerment
#fighting #american #colonizers #canada #antilogging #Trailblazing #tribalparks #sustainable #logging #tlaoquiaht #stewardship #clayoquotsound #britishcolumbia #Landback #firstnations #nativerights #decolonization #nativeleadership #landguardians #vancouverisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #bcfirstnations #empowerment
#Missionaries brought #cattle to #Opitsaht in the early 1900s in #futile attempt to turn #Westcoast #FirstNations fishers into farmers (why would you give up a diet of salmon and seafood right on your doorstep year-round?). They did manage to leave behind a #strange #legacy 🐮
Moses Martin, chief of #Tlaoquiaht #FirstNation was born and raised in #Opitsaht - tiny village on #MearesIsland off the west coast of #VancouverIsland . Since the 1940s he remembers there were always a dozen or so #cows 🐂
#missionaries #cattle #opitsaht #futile #westcoast #firstnations #strange #legacy #tlaoquiaht #firstnation #mearesisland #vancouverisland #cows
Just announced! Launching March 2023, naaʔuu is a ticketed cultural experience presented by Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, which will support Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks’ work in restoring and furthering the nation’s lands, language and culture. Join this unique event series for an evening of food, art, and cultural presentations.
#Indigenous #ExploreBC #Tofino #BritishColumbia #Tofino #Tlaoquiaht #Event #Events
#indigenous #explorebc #tofino #britishcolumbia #tlaoquiaht #event #events
#ThickTrunkTuesdays toot.
Some #powerful #BigTree #giants - #MearesIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada off waters near #Tofino . Canada's 1st #Indigenous #TribalPark & #Native #Environmental #guardians & #stewardship by #Tlaoquiaht #FirstNation .
#NuuChahNulth #AncientForests #ElderTrees #Sacred #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #ProtectTheAncients #MotherEarth #LivingCathedrals #Incredible #Irreplaceable #Nature #ProtectNature #biodiversity #OneEarth #StopClearcutting #StopEcocide
#thicktrunktuesdays #powerful #BigTree #giants #mearesisland #britishcolumbia #canada #tofino #indigenous #tribalpark #native #environmental #guardians #stewardship #tlaoquiaht #firstnation #nuuchahnulth #ancientforests #eldertrees #sacred #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #oldgrowth #protecttheancients #motherearth #livingcathedrals #incredible #irreplaceable #nature #protectnature #biodiversity #OneEarth #stopclearcutting #stopecocide