Big events today to kickoff #ILoveTenderloinWeek #ILTW ! The Beautification Event with TLCBD is already under way and it'll be followed by the Grand Opening of the new building/location for the Healing WELL! Hope to see you all soon!
#TLCBD #TLBeautificationDay #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #TheHealingWell #GrandOpening
#ilovetenderloinweek #iltw #tlcbd #tlbeautificationday #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #thehealingwell #grandopening
TLCBD is starting off I Love Tenderloin Week with a Tenderloin Beautification Day to bring together community members and make our collective vision of a more beautiful Tenderloin a reality. Please join us on Sunday, April 30th at TLCBD’s office at 512 Ellis St from 9am-12pm!
#CodeTenderloin #CodeTL #KickoffEvent #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #TLCBD #TLBeautificationDay #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW
#codetenderloin #codetl #kickoffevent #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw #tlcbd #tlbeautificationday