Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1017 followers · 62600 posts · Server

@Kadsenchaos : Die will kopieren und dazu |en aus den importieren!

Allein die Tatsache dass dies nicht als Belohnung und Billigung von Straftaten [Genozid & Demozid an Trans*Personsn] gewertet wird sehe ich als Schwäche des Rechtsstaates!

#USA #christofaschismus #reaktionar #nsafd #csu #tldw

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
931 followers · 52827 posts · Server

@dwnews_bot : Shit hasn't changed - it's just luck or media blackout that we've not had or heard of anything similar happening...


Last updated 2 years ago

· @darq
0 followers · 102 posts · Server

"we're the best, everything is fine, Yada Yada Yada" zzzz


Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
668 followers · 26867 posts · Server
Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
645 followers · 26215 posts · Server

@sashag *nodds in agreement*

JKR make her franchises absolutely trash and the only valid move IMHO would be to that shit!

I like how @lilischote explained it [sadly only in German]:

: Don't buy if you have any respect for trans* people at all!

#tldw #pirate

Last updated 2 years ago

Marcel Bischoff · @herrbischoff
23 followers · 103 posts · Server

Just realised that I tend to get annoyed by where the only option to learn anything of note about it is by watching a . It used to be but now it's ?

#product #websites #video #tldr #tldw

Last updated 2 years ago

RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
84 followers · 718 posts · Server

(1/2) Are about ?

Please and/or with your thoughts!

This is the for a series of 5 short lessons about as a form of civil religion.

He asks us to consider "what do we learn about American culture, behavior, and beliefs when we consider them through the lens of religion?"

#americans #religious #America #religionforbreakfast #youtube #americancivilreligion #civilreligion #boost #joinin #shortsermons #tldw #introduction #americanism

Last updated 2 years ago

Christian · @mephisztoe
36 followers · 84 posts · Server

Stefan von hat vor kurzem ein neues Video zum Thema im Bereich gepostet. Ich wusste nun aber nicht, ob ich mir nun die Zeit dafür nehmen sollte und wie sehr es mich interessiert. Also habe ich mir in YouTube das Transkript anzeigen lassen und es bei eingefügt - ergänzt um folgenden Prompt: "Please explain the algorithm described in the following transcript.".

Die Antwort:
"The ArcOverhang algorithm is a method for 3D printing horizontal surfaces without the need for support structures. The algorithm extrudes self-supporting arcs next to each other that grow from a base and create a crystal-like structure. The arcs start at one point, grow out until they reach a limit, and can even branch out in different directions until the whole layer is filled. This method allows for the creation of large overhangs without the material drooping down."

Das klang interessant genug, also habe ich mir das Video dann tatsächlich angeschaut.

Und dann fiel mir auf: Diese Möglichkeit (YouTube > Transcript > ChatGPT Summary) ist wie ein für Videos.



#cnckitchen #arcoverhang #3dprinting #chatgpt #tldr #tldw

Last updated 2 years ago