Me #learning
#klingon / #tlhingan is probably the first time I'm really *consciously* trying to learn a language and the first time I'm learning something completely from scratch in a long time.
Lots of other things have mnemonics or you heard them before or they fit nicely into some logic framework.
Not so with a made up language. Truly a different experience.
I'm surprised by what words and concepts are just... there when trying to remember something. And which aren't.
#education #tlhingan #klingon #learning
#tlhingan oh look. "ghoti" is "fish". That's going to be easy to remember at least. 🙂
I just noticed that the #klingon #tlhingan language naturally follows the paradigm of
object verb subject
that's established itself in #programming
result = add ( a, b )
esoteric klingon programming language when?
#programming #tlhingan #klingon
@pontulo I am enjoying it *a lot*.
Duolingo is crazy good at what they do.
I'm a bit stuck on the personal prefix business, they dropped that all at once and the examples don't make it clear which is which (singular you/ plural you in English does what in relation to which other case) but I will power through that.
Thanks for the tip, I already knew about the institute, and rediscovered them when looking for a font.