"I like animals a lot. Animals have a similar energy to mine. They can obey, or they can swoop down. So do I. If I see that a person dominates me, I will most likely listen to him. If I see that a person is inferior to me in strength, I will begin to dominate." — Till Lindemann

Photo credit to Hirschfänger Brüder with Egon the dog (19.02.2019)

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Last updated 2 years ago

Playboy: Do you miss the GDR?

Till: No. But the way people treated each other was warmer. Who still meets at home these days? The restaurant used to close at ten and then you went to friends. There was a lot of closeness. That's dead today.

(Interview with Playboy, January 2006. Photo credit to Hans-Peter van Velthoven, Fields of Rock Festival, 19.06.2005)

#rammstein2005 #rammstein #tlindemannunofficial #tlindemann #tilllindemanninterview #tilllindemann2006 #TillLindemann

Last updated 2 years ago

"Rammstein was forged in fire. Our sound is as hard as cast iron, our energy as hot as the embers in a blast furnace. As a child I always wanted to be an angel and fly. Now I'm considered the worst fire devil in the German rock scene, that's fine! We're putting on a spectacular show. It’s getting hotter than hell !" — Till Lindemann in Bravo magazine, 17.04.1997 (Photo by Marc Villalonga, 25.11.1997)

#tlindemann #rammstein1997 #rammstein #tilllindemannquote #TillLindemann

Last updated 2 years ago