Going to listen to neighbor on national radio. "the Rolling World Premiere of “Where the Summit Meets the Stars” by Frank Henry Kaash Katasse (Tlingit) at the Autry Museum of the American West" #NativeAmericaCalling #Tlingit #IndigenousTheater #radio
#nativeamericacalling #tlingit #indigenoustheater #radio
For #TextileTuesday, here's a fun find while gathering up examples of #frogs in Pacific NW Coast art for an upcoming presentation:
Fringed white leather bag w/ double drawstring closure & beadwork
#Tlingit, Haines, Alaska
Yale Peabody Museum YPM ANT 209513:
#IndigenousArt #FirstNationsArt #NativeAmericanArt
#textiletuesday #frogs #tlingit #indigenousart #firstnationsart #nativeamericanart
Global News BC: First Nation in B.C. buys back 140 year old robe, paying almost $40,000 to bring it home https://globalnews.ca/news/9753629/bc-first-nation-buys-back-140-year-old-robe/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #TakuRiverTlingitFirstNation #repatriationofartifacts #Tlingitrobereturned #Tlingitrobebought #BCFirstNations #repatriation #Whitehorse #Tlingit #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #takurivertlingitfirstnation #repatriationofartifacts #tlingitrobereturned #tlingitrobebought #BCFirstNations #repatriation #whitehorse #tlingit #Canada
“Tribute in the sky” Latest #AlaskaAirlines #737 plane named in #Tlingit with #indiginous #salmon honoring livery #TeamBoeing https://onfirstup.com/boeing/BNN/articles/tribute-in-the-sky-1?bypass_deeplink=true
#alaskaairlines #tlingit #indiginous #salmon #teamboeing
For #CrowAndRavenAppreciationDay:
Raven Hat, Tlingit (Pacific NW Coast), early-mid 1800s. Carnegie Museum of Natural History display.
“#Tlingit society is divided into 2 moieties, the #Ravens and the Eagles.”
(Note: it’s more broadly Raven/Crow and Eagle/Wolf as there are regional variants)
#crowandravenappreciationday #tlingit #ravens
For #InternationalBeaverDay here are two wooden #beaver effigies spotted at the #Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian:
1. Beaver figure, Kwakwaka’wakw (#Kwakiutl), #BritishColumbia, c. 1900
2. Beaver bowl, #Tlingit, Klukwan, #Alaska, c.1850
#internationalbeaverday #beaver #smithsonian #kwakiutl #britishcolumbia #tlingit #alaska #nativeamericanart #firstnationsart #indigenousart
Raven looking smug about stealing the sun, moon and stars. Tricky, tricky, raven.
#tlingit #legend #myth #photography #alaska #sitka
Tlingit & Haida Purchases Driftwood Lodge Property
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JUNEAU, AK (March 11, 2023) – The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) is pleased to announce it has closed on and acquired the Driftwood Lodge property located in the Aak’w Village District in Juneau, Alaska.
The 48,179 square foot (1.106...
#haida #tlingit #driftwood lodge #juneau #purchase
#haida #tlingit #driftwood #juneau #purchase
Re-reading Julie Cruikshank’s _Do Glaciers Listen?_ today. Still has the bookmark from the small Alaskan bookstore where I bought it. #envhist #Tlingit #Athapaskan #Alaska
#envhist #tlingit #athapaskan #alaska
Amelia Rivera Promoted to Cultural Heritage & Education Division Senior Director
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Amelia Rivera (Jiyal’áxch) Image-CCTHITA
JUNEAU, AK – The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) announced Amelia Rivera (Jiyal’áxch) has been promoted to Senior Director of...
#amelia rivera #cultural heritage #director #haida #tlingit
#amelia #cultural #director #haida #tlingit
Amelia Rivera Promoted to Cultural Heritage & Education Division Senior Director
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JUNEAU, AK – The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) announced Amelia Rivera (Jiyal’áxch) has been promoted to Senior Director of the Cultural Heritage & Education...
#amelia rivera #tlingit #haida #cultural heritage #director
#amelia #tlingit #haida #cultural #director
The Tyee: Serving the Cranberry Crowd (in Culture) https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/02/09/Serving-Cranberry-Crowd/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #TakuRiverTlingitFirstNation #Juneau,Alaska #SanFrancisco #PalmSprings #Whitehorse #Atlin,BC #SiriusXM #Chicago #Tlingit #Boston
#BCNews #TheTyee #takurivertlingitfirstnation #juneau #sanfrancisco #palmsprings #whitehorse #atlin #siriusxm #chicago #tlingit #boston
The #Taku #River #Tlingit #First #Nation (#Atlin, northwest #BC) has declared 1.8 million hectares of the Taku River watershed to be an #Indigenous #Protected and #Conserved #Area. 60% of that is to be off-limits to #mining or other development.
The BC government needs to rapidly work toward #respecting and supporting the Tlingit Nation’s #stewardship of their land.
#IPCA #conservation #biodiversity
#taku #river #tlingit #first #nation #atlin #bc #indigenous #protected #conserved #area #mining #respecting #stewardship #ipca #conservation #biodiversity
Yakutat Tribe, SHI and Sealaska Urging Cessation of Logging of Historic Site
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Area is ancient homeland of the Kwaashk’iḵwáan clan
(Oral Tradition on Humpback Creek) (Archaeological Interpretation)
Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI), Sealaska Corporation and the Yakutat Tlingit Tribe are calling on...
#humpy creek #native #sealaska #tlingit #village #yakutat
#humpy #native #sealaska #tlingit #village #yakutat
Rescue Small Business Relief Program Relaunches
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New Round of Funding Available to Tribal Citizen-Owned Small Businesses
JUNEAU, AK (January 17, 2023) – The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) is pleased to announce the reopening of the Rescue Small Business Relief program to provide a new round of...
#small business relief #tlingit #haida
In 1804, Tlingit fighters in a fort near modern Sitka, Alaska turned back a Russian-led attack.
' For the modern Tlingit, “the fort is a cultural symbol of resistance to colonization, and the location is considered sacred by many community members ... " But for the last 200 years, only its approximate location [was] known. A recent geophysical survey ... revealed the ghostly outline of the fort, long hidden beneath the ground. '
#warfare #russia #indigenous #tlingit
new music from hiptop artist "Air Jazz"
Yaw Du Néh - S'áxt' [OFFICIAL AUDIO]
#Lingít #Tlingit #IndigenousLanguage #Alaska #indigenouspeoples
#musician #AirJazz
#lingit #tlingit #indigenouslanguage #alaska #indigenouspeoples #musician #airjazz
@ct_bergstrom when I lived in Southeast Alaska I used to talk with ravens. Perhaps @SilverSalmonAK can attest they can be very curious and friendly. I had one that I saw daily and he took a shining to me but was he was disappointed when I didn’t like his gift of regurgitating food for me. Marie Laws and Terri Rofkar told me all about #Raven #Tlingit #corvids
“Tree of Life” Sky People, Land People, Sea People. Bottom faces are roots. Figures running up and down the trunk represent sap, or life. Acrylic on birch. 24” x 30” -sold- #art #Indigenousart #AlaskaNative #tlingit
#art #indigenousart #alaskanative #tlingit