The Last Jedi:
#starwars #thelastjedi #starwarstlj #tlj
El 16 de marzo de 2018 sale a la venta el álbum doble de vinilo Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
On March 16, 2018, the Star Wars: The Last Jedi 2 LP vinyl album goes on sale.
#StarWars #TheLastJedi #tlj #JohnWilliams #StarWarsSoundtrack #StarWarsVinyl
#starwarsvinyl #starwarssoundtrack #johnwilliams #tlj #thelastjedi #starwars
The more I think about #TLJ the more I think about how much better it could have been if it someone had just proofread that awful script.
@jeremydrinkscoffee I've taken to writing down "Hates #TLJ" in NOTEs in people's profiles so as not to approach people I'd probably dislike or clash with then, if not outright blocking some people.
You get the "TLJ = fave SW movie" Note instead.
Older #LukeSkywalker is love.
#tlj #LukeSkywalker #thelastjedi
Finished playing Dreamfall: The Longest Journey yesterday.
What a ride, epic story telling! Spent 22 hours on it: compare that with reading a long novel or about 3 seasons worth of a series.
The ending was and is something to chew on. Certainly not the typical happy ending for a game (protagonist). Wondering how they'll tie up the ends in Dreamfall Chapters.
#TLJ #TheLongestJourney #Dreamfall #DreamfallTheLongestJourney #gaming
#tlj #thelongestjourney #dreamfall #dreamfallthelongestjourney #gaming
El 15 de diciembre de 2017 se estrena la película Star Wars: The Last Jedi y sale a la venta su soundtrack.
On December 15, 2017, the movie Star Wars: The Last Jedi is released and its soundtrack goes on sale.
#StarWars #JohnWilliams #StarWarsSoundtrack #TheLastJedi #tlj
#tlj #thelastjedi #starwarssoundtrack #johnwilliams #starwars
El 14 de diciembre de 2018 sale a la venta el álbum doble de vinilo Star Wars: The Last Jedi con 2 portadas distintas diseñadas por Dan Mumford.
On December 14, 2018, the double vinyl album Star Wars: The Last Jedi goes on sale with 2 different covers designed by Dan Mumford.
#StarWars #JohnWilliams #StarWarsSoundtrack #TheLastJedi #tlj #StarWarsVinyl #DanMumford
#danmumford #starwarsvinyl #tlj #thelastjedi #starwarssoundtrack #johnwilliams #starwars
El 14 de diciembre de 2017 se estrena en México la película Star Wars: Los Últimos Jedi.
On December 14, 2017, the film Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens in Mexico.
#tlj #thelastjedi #rogueone #starwars
El 13 de diciembre de 2016 inicia la grabación del soundtrack de The Last Jedi.
On December 13, 2016, the soundtrack recording of The Last Jedi begins.
#StarWars #JohnWilliams #StarWarsSoundtrack #TheLastJedi #tlj
#tlj #thelastjedi #starwarssoundtrack #johnwilliams #starwars
@pgcd what bothered me in #tlj for instance was everyone's insistence that #Skywalker's characterisation was "against canon" because somehow him sensing the good in Anakin/Vader means he couldn't make a mistake 30 years later with Ben/Kylo
Yeah #TLJ is a problematic (if visually spectacular) mess in a lot of ways, but damn if it didn't nail how we need to move forward when it comes to tent-pole franchises and let new stories emerge in known landscapes
hello there,
i’m a hugh #starwars fan, part of the #vhsgeneration. there is some special love for #TLJ #TheHighRepublic #Solo #EnfysNest #r2d2 #TalesOfTheJedi #ExarKun #LukeSkywalker #Jedi #RalphMcQuarrie (and therefore #StarWarsRebels) #AlphabetSquadron #JarJarBinks #CobbVanth the spaceships from #StarWarsResistance and #EleodieMaracavanya . My biggest »want to read« is #KarisNemik ‘s manifesto. I’m looking for people who love #starwars and enjoy it, people who can see the good in everything.
#starwars #vhsgeneration #tlj #TheHighRepublic #solo #enfysnest #r2d2 #TalesoftheJedi #exarkun #lukeskywalker #jedi #ralphmcquarrie #starwarsrebels #alphabetsquadron #jarjarbinks #cobbvanth #starwarsresistance #eleodiemaracavanya #karisnemik
Well, that didn't do much good... straight into running another errand, this time for Crazy Clara. #Dreamfall #TheLongestJourney #TLJ
#dreamfall #thelongestjourney #tlj
Well, I got the mulled wine, so let's see how Theoretically Blind Bob is going to help me along on my quest. #Dreamfall #TheLongestJourney #TLJ
#dreamfall #thelongestjourney #tlj
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Comic Adaptation, Parts 1-3 - Atop the Fourth Wall
Might be _tiny_ spoilers for episode 9? Not really...? Just their vague opinion on whether the movie is good or not.
#AtopTheFourthWall #AT4W #StarWars #TLJ #TheLastJedi #Linkara
#atopthefourthwall #at4w #starwars #tlj #thelastjedi #linkara
@zebratron2084 This is not just a cartoon issue: it also ruined the entirety of #TLJ
We finally got to watch #TLJ for the second time. Some thoughts!
My first viewing left me a little unsure of how I felt about it. Specifically, I wasn't sure I liked Luke's failure as a teacher with Ben, and I wasn't sure I liked the ending. I wasn't sure I liked Poe's arc, either.
In the end, this was because I needed to see the movie again, and think about it more. 1/3?
Women being believable, thoughtful, powerful leaders and heroes, men learning to be more than just muscle-sticks with destruction urges, love over hate, growth over doubling down on bad decisions? Power and balance being a possibility for all, not just a lineaged elite. What an incredible, iconoclastic set of messages to send into the heads of a generation of kids! So Happy! #tlj #starwarsislove #lovestarwars
#tlj #starwarsislove #lovestarwars