RT @TheMonsterNest
I'm yelling.
#tlovmspoilers #tlvmspoilers #criticalrolespoilers
RT @Cirrostatus@twitter.com
scene redraw!!! the expressions the past few eps have been very fun #tlovm #tlovmspoilers
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Cirrostatus/status/1619397684674322433
How NOT to stealthily watch #TheLegendOfVoxMachina at work: loudly squeal "MY QUEEN!" at the end of episode 2.4 #CriticalRole #TLOVM #TLOVMSpoilers
#TheLegendofVoxMachina #criticalrole #tlovm #tlovmspoilers
And that's where this Watch Party ends (with Travis, Sam, Liam, Marisha, & Robbie)
Travis notes to expect a "very cool announcement" tomorrow morning.
Dream Guest:
"so many" -- legit don't want to jinx it since casting is ongoing for S3.
"can we get that guy who voiced Young Batman?"
"That Bill Freedo guy!"
Mica pitches her dad.
Matt & Liam as Umbrasyl & Vorgual:
Nice juicy role for Matt this season
(Matt has to be told to put himself in -- this was one he knew he could do well)
Liam did scratch originally, but that was it once they heard it.
Cast does scratch for most during animatic.
Was Zahra (with Moon patron & red magic) the first Ruidus-born we ever met?
She represents the duality of both.
Grog's beard squeal ("I hit notes I didn't know I could hit") is Matt's favorite thing Travis has ever done. Didn't see it until the episode was finished.
Mary apparently said "what was THAT?"
Will has video of "old British woman" scratch from Travis.
Sam explaining to his kids that the RQ is Neutral, not Evil (youngest is primed to be MM's favorite little Goth ever)
Matron of Ravens represents "such an important moment in Exandrian history" -- key to VM, treating this with a lot of care, knowing "the weight that's there"
Luckily, coming into rooms of people who don't need to be convinced the importance.
Jokes about Purvan = a way of incorporating the vibe of the original table.
"what does Dark Grog sound like?"
Mica checks if she can say Craven Edge's name (she can)
"one of my favorite relationships for Grog in the game"
Fan Art prompts of whatever the masculine equivalent of vagina dentata is.