#平和堂#特命GM西川貴教 のオススメE-WA!『健美味どりサラダチキン』2023年 https://www.magmoe.com/946018/celebrity/2023-08-24/
#E-WA! #HEIWADO #T.M.R. #T.M.Revolution #TM #アルプラザ #アルプラフーズマーケット #イーワ #イナズマ #エール #サラダチキン #プライベートブランド #フレンドーマート #へいわどう #ヘルシー #国産鶏 #平和堂 #彦根 #彦根市 #滋賀 #滋賀県 #特命GM西川貴教 #西川 #西川貴教 #鶏むね肉 #鶏肉 #鶏胸肉
#平和堂 #e #heiwado #t #tm #アルプラザ #アルプラフーズマーケット #イーワ #イナズマ #エール #サラダチキン #プライベートブランド #フレンドーマート #へいわどう #ヘルシー #国産鶏 #彦根 #彦根市 #滋賀 #滋賀県 #特命gm西川貴教 #西川 #西川貴教 #鶏むね肉 #鶏肉 #鶏胸肉
Ich habe eine Frage: seit einiger Zeit höre/lese ich immer mal wieder die Phrase „tm“ bspw. im Umfeld von Podcast.
Aktuell bin ich der Meinung, dass damit „trust me“ gemeint ist. Aber das konnte ich bis heute nicht wirklich verifizieren. Kann mir einer von Euch hier helfen?
So, started writing something with #mdbook, and yay, it is really easy. Took my #tm (https://github.com/Ganneff/tm) tool for it, so it gains some documentation, which can be useful. For those few users, it has. Current version (initial, still needs lots of text added) at https://ganneff.github.io/tmbook/
(geändert) #TM: Störung: Gefährliches Ereignis - Personenunfall
Ende: 2023-07-03 01:59
Quelle: strecken.info
(neu) #TM: Störung: Gefährliches Ereignis - Personenunfall
Ende: 2023-07-03 02:56
Quelle: strecken.info
\[UPDATE] CelcomDigi fibre broadband faces service outage nationwide #celcomdigi #celcomdigifibre #fibrebroadband #news #telco #tm - https://soyacincau.com/2023/06/16/celcomdigi-fibre-broadband-service-outage-nationwide-xrs/
#celcomdigi #celcomdigifibre #fibrebroadband #news #telco #tm
The guy who wrote the official report on the JFK assassination was also the guy who called for an authoritative conclusion on UFO sightings.
Gerald "Nothing to see here" Ford
Gerald Ford calls for "full-blown investigation":
"Warren Commission" for UFO sightings:
#trevormoore #jfk #ufo #conspiracy #tm
Das #Wetter Ist so schön, ich MUSS einfach raus!
#Wetter #gravelation #gravelisierung #tm
saw a video on reddit where a guy had a shirt with Advil written on the front and where can I get one it's my favourite GlaxoSmithKline™ brand #GlaxoGang #brands #tm
My latest look in this interview feature at what Malaysia expects to reap by propelling telcos into a 5G era.
To review the possible pitfalls and opportunities for telcos in the 5G era, Disruptive.Asia spoke with Albert Chai, of Red Hat RoSEA with insights from analysts and industry leaders from TM One, and MRANTI.
#5G #Malaysia #Asia #digital #society #Technology #transformation #telecom #TM #avanti #avantiasia #avantikumar #Asean #RedHat #MRANTI
#5g #malaysia #asia #digital #society #Technology #transformation #telecom #tm #avanti #avantiasia #avantikumar #asean #redhat #mranti
TM NETWORK FANKS intelligence
🎧 Just heard #Donovan's "Hurdy Gurdy Man" (1968/9) in a trailer for an #AppleTV movie dropping end of this month. Before the rush to "LOVE that song" again, I'll early-adopt and post it.
Not-typical Donovan because #GeorgeHarrison, #TM in #India, etc. The wiki about the song is a must if you love it—again or for the first time.
#music #folk #rock #psychedelic https://youtu.be/e4SpPHCrOp8
#psychedelic #rock #folk #Music #India #tm #georgeharrison #appletv #donovan