@kip #tmbrfy
Good point Kip. There are people who need to listen to the image descriptions and random ramblings will be annoying and uninformative. But this is also somewhat of an issue on tumblr, small tag comments are cool, but there is always someone who decides to use it as a form of performance art, so be moderate.
My thought was if people were adding additional comments in the image description, then it would increase how often people would add descriptive text.
#tmbrfy If I click on the above post, I miss most of this thread because of branching. There was more than one response to the main post, and looking at this post does not show the replies from the branches that came off the first post.
I will add the #tmbrfy tag to the ends of these threads so you can see it by a search, but you can also go back to the top post to read all comments. (I think)
One major difference between tumblr threads and mastodon threads is that tumblr threads put all posts, likes, and comments in one list addeded to the post which can make for very long posts.
Fediverse posts hide replies so you have to click on the post to see the comments.
But if you have a string of posts, it depends on which posts you replied to because it has #branching.
Which post you click on determines which posts you see. You see only posts on the thread you are on. #tmbrfy