I've been hearing of Trump's downfall and imprisonment for now well over six years.
"I hear the message loud and clear, alas, I lack the faith." "Faust: A Tragedy" (1808), Goethe
#tmcross #cohen #TrumpIsGoingToJail? https://www.salon.com/2022/10/08/michael-cohen-ny-fraud-case-will-financially-destroy--and-may-put-him-in/
#trumpisgoingtojail #cohen #tmcross
After 6 years of Catholic grade school, followed by 6 years of Episcopal high school, I have no trouble believing that half of all Americans are resistant to facts and reason. They will choose blind belief, no matter how ridiculous, over reason. https://youtu.be/d6jL3Z3QJrg #tmcross
I'm guessing all those #climate deniers will soon pivot to "it's God's will".
The sad part is that they can be told the wildest poppycock. With reason and facts deactivated, they've lost the tools allowing them to make good decisions.
https://www.accuweather.com/en/severe-weather/dallas-flooding-is-5th-1-in-1000-year-flood-event-in-us-since-late-july/1236445 #atheism #tmcross
Christians who believe Pelosi drinks children's blood is no kookier than their other delusions, but that this permeates religious thought—and I use the word thought quite wrongly—of millions of the NAR Movement followers, is troubling. #atheism #tmcross
Does the US have enough trees? Huh. It definitely has enough morons.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/herschel-walker-trees_n_6303baede4b00c150d638be7 #tmcross #Elections2022
Who's Gingrich again? Oh, yes. The man with the owl.
https://news.yahoo.com/gingrich-bidens-presence-weakens-dem-122255063.html #tmcross
You mean to tell me that extrajudicial killings and assassinations are not as much fun when it's not you doing the assassinating? Who would have known?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/22/russia-putin-bomb-cheerleaders-fear/ #tmcross #UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Russia
#Russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #tmcross
What have people learned in 6 years, but should have known all along? Justice is a commodity to be bought & sold.
From arrest to arraignment, from bail to representation, from prison to parole: it is never about justice, only about money & race.
https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-government-and-politics-d99f53f65920b6d6dce16f8b02aabd13 #tmcross
Could happen hon: Does your kid…
…offer fake lemonade vouchers?
…steal money from your purse?
…only sell limo to white people?
…forge his/her grades?
…pretend to believe in a God?
…lie about everything on principle?
…grab girls by the p****?
…diddle 2-year-olds?
RT @GOPChairwoman@twitter.com
How long until Democrats send the IRS ‘SWAT team’ after your kids’ lemonade stand?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GOPChairwoman/status/1557786431082356736
Would you people pretty-please stop begging for followers? It's pathetic.
Do you go to the mall and beg strangers to love you?
Come to think of it, the latter might be a more promising enterprise. Just watch out for the rusty van with the tear-stained mattress inside.
I do hate to bring it up. Again:
#grammar #grammarpolice #tmcross https://t.co/48R7Ezn1l0
#tmcross #grammarpolice #grammar
Tired of #Telco #Carriers advertising good #mobile #bandwidth, then delivering only a fraction; tired of the lame excuses regarding usage peaks or weak reception.
It's only greed, and with their collusion, there are no alternatives. Corrective hand of capitalism #MyAss. #tmcross
#tmcross #myass #bandwidth #mobile #carriers #telco
7:00 AM. First cup of coffee brewed. There's half a bottle of last night's left-over bourbon right within reach. Huh. Should I?
#Schadenfreude always perks me up:
Schadenfreude: "Taking pleasure in the misfortune of others." #tmcross #SundayMorning
#sundaymorning #tmcross #schadenfreude
In capitalism? Funny.
The US tanks 42nd on the press freedom index, and 25th on the democracy index. 31st on PISA is actually better than expected. Not for long, I'm sure. #tmcross #education #educationalcrisis
RT @LockUpCheeto@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LockUpCheeto/status/1555916893831274497
#educationalcrisis #education #tmcross
It's a good sign that the US no longer pretends to be a democracy. Really, no one was buying that old canard any more anyway. #tmcross
RT @jilevin@twitter.com
Here's an idea:
Your party did the upmost to make this happen, as a solution to the threat of becoming superfluous.
Who knew that only fifty years of voter suppression, voter disenfranchisement, and undermining election integrity would result in a flawed democracy? Are you not amused? #tmcross
RT @BudGothmog44@twitter.com
'We don’t live in a democracy,' says the Republican Party's top 'election integrity' expert https://www.dailykos.com/story/2022/8/2/2114037/--We-don-t-live-in-a-democracy-says-the-Republican-Party-s-top-election-integrity-expert
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BudGothmog44/status/1554889656520556546
RT @DashDobrofsky@twitter.com
Multi-millionaire Mitt Romney voted against the Pact Act. I guess Mitt doesn’t think dying veterans deserve lifesaving healthcare. Mitt also voted to confirm Amy Coney Barrett. And Mitt is the NRA’s #1 donor-recipient. I just wanted to remind you that all Republicans are bad.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DashDobrofsky/status/1554631410945732609
You should have done so in 1968, Steve. Now you're just another rat fleeing the ship of fools, because "the spirits you have summoned, your commands ignore". (Goethe, "The Sorcerer's Apprentice")
via Twitter>Mastodon crosspost #tmcross
RT @jilevin@twitter.com
The Republican Party has become a danger to our democracy and values.
And this just dawned on the major, after +240 years of nearly uninterrupted land-grab, for-profit, and resource wars?
If so, then only for the lack of trying.
via Twitter>Mastodon crosspost #tmcross
RT @jilevin@twitter.com
It was all about contractors raking in profits while people died.
The US has a dismal record when it comes to not allowing jackasses in the White House.
There was a time, I thought the US had hit rock-bottom with the election of the illiterate imbecile war criminal GWB. Silly me. Was I ever that young?
via Twitter>Mastodon crosspost #tmcross
RT @hax0rm0m@twitter.com
FYI : a picture of fascism 👇