@Ursuursulala Ich werde nie die Bahnfahrt vergessen, in der meine Sitznachbarin ihrem Freund telefonisch das Ende ihrer Beziehung verkündete und insbesondere die Frage „warum er und nicht ich“ in epischer Breite und mit sehr viel #TMI beantwortete.
I just had coffee, and yesterday's ghost pepper sauce is telling me not to eat so spicy food, as it is leaving my body.
#today Dave is standing in his bedroom, wearing only a pair of misshapen briefs that don't quite fit his junk. He's holding his phone in both hands, in landscape mode, and with the screen facing away. The stage is set. Time for Dave's one spoken line. "Good Morning, Fediverse"!!! #TMI #Gay #GayMastodon
mir sollte vermutlich einfach jemand sagen „Schluss jetzt. Du kannst Dich natürlich trauen, aber eigentlich weißt Du selbst es geht Dir zu schlecht für Urlaub am Meer mit 7 Stunden Fahrt.“ #tmi (wer sagts den Kindern)
@FlockOfCats we don’t have any grownup snacks in the house so i have been making cups of tea/coffee when i feel the snack urge instead and now i’m just a nonstop river of pee #tmi 😭
루브르 박물관 관광객 좐나 많아서 6개월 전에 예약해야한대 현지인들이 오지말라고 뉴스 나옴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ #TMI
It's so funny to me when I flush the toilet and not one, but *two* #cats run over to watch the magic water swirling in the bowl.
We have one of those slowly closing lids, so they have to be quick in order to stick their head under the lid before it closes.
Excuse the tmi but I was being sick for a large part of the night and my partner isn't letting me work today. Any suggestions for things to do from bed? I'm not crafty (don't knit etc) and can't play any further in Rain Code without him ... it's getting kinda dull. Reading is the obvious choice but struggling with that a bit too, so open to other ideas! #tmi #sickday #RainCode #sad #bored #😖
#bored #sad #raincode #sickDay #tmi
제 아이디가 스노우화이트헤어 인 이유는요
제 머리카락이 언제부턴가 원인불명으로 한가닥씩 머리 끝부터 하얗게 되어가고 있어서입니다
#tmi #아무도_안궁금했겠지만
I don't believe I've ever been constipatated in my life until now. Gosh it's uncomfortable and at times excrutiating! #TMI