One final big thank you to everyone who joined or contributed to our TMiP event last week - to the on-the-ground team including the amazing Sam Langford, @Ayliean & Sophie Maclean for looking after our attendees, all our amazing speakers & contributors (+ Qwirkshop for running the shop!) And of course huge thanks to our sponsors - @ICMS, the IMA, the INI, the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research &
Maplesoft for making TMiP 2023 possible, and to Newcastle Uni for kindly hosting our event. And to everyone who came! #TMiP23
My one disappointment after #TMiP23* is that I didn't get to talk to more people. I spoke to many about fascinating things but feel there were as many more who I didn't get to chat to.
If you feel the same: hi! Who are you? What do you do?
*Not a criticism by any stretch.
Had an excellent few days at #TMiP23, seeing old friends, making new ones, learning lots and playing with hat tiles! Now to catch up on some sleep and then get going with all the cool new ideas I have.
Do I know anyone in #Newcastle (upon Tyne, city centre ish)?
I'm unexpectedly stranded* for an extra night. Some form of company would be welcome if anybody else thinks that might be appealing too.
*Hyperbole. I have booked a hotel room. All is well, and I'm under no stress!
If anyone is interested in more photos of the #TMiP23 hat tiling, here are a few I took.
Thanks so much to everyone involved in organising #TMiP23. It's been amazing.
Need some collaborative maths on your Saturday morning? Join us at Newcastle City Library for some aperiodic (I.e. non-repeating pattern) big hat tiling fun! How does that work, you ask? Come and find out with two of the mathematicians who discovered the shape! Here until 12:30 #TMiP23
#TMiP23 continues! We've got games and crafts in Newcastle City Library, with the Tyne Trial starting on floor 2, reduced entry to Life science centre for in-Newcastle attendees, and Zoom is open for remote attendees to join us to craft, game or get your remote trail instructions 😀
Was able to catch the last two keynotes of #TMiP23
I learned some new tricks from Howie Hua. Subtraction from left to right makes a lot more sense.
I'm not sure if I will be able to attend tomorrow's networking sessions as they occur at 2am my time. If I am awake, I will try to visit for a bit before going back to bed.
For those of you who haven't been able to join us for the conference, as previously mentioned you can come and make a wonderful aperiodic tiling tomorrow at Newcastle City Library 10:30-12:30 with Ayliean, Chaim and David Smith - two of the scientists who discovered the tile #TMiP23
Now for our second keynote, the wonderful Howie Hua is joining us from the US to explore maths's marketing problem - a US-style mathematical infomercial, anyone? What topic would you choose? #TMiP23
We definitely didn't get too caught up in drawing during Hana Ayoob's maths art challenge to share what's happening, honest! Here is an animal made all of numbers (drawn by one of the committee) - any guesses on what it is? #TMiP23