F. Douglas Wall · @fdouglaswall
113 followers · 90 posts · Server dice.camp

1. The first store where I bought a core rulebook for an RPG was the Last Grenadier in Burbank CA. I think it was .

#gtkm #tmntandotherstrangeness

Last updated 2 years ago

81 followers · 1851 posts · Server dice.camp

4. First TTRPG you bought from its creator: This question confuses me because of how many ttrpgs are published. Any of the games I've purchased could be from its creator if they get paid. The one that stands out to me most may be Erick Wujcik for or RPG.

If we are talking about indie games then I might say or as I was late to the Forge party.

#gtkm #ttrpg #tmntandotherstrangeness #amberdiceless #swashbucklersofthe7skies #dogsinthevineyard

Last updated 2 years ago