Tywyll Seren · @TywyllSeren
180 followers · 5832 posts · Server spacey.space

"I object to intellect without restraint." Spock

#sttng #tng #spock

Last updated 1 year ago

you sit there, read, mind your business.

all the sudden your brain goes; hey, hey, you;
how about a as in "kids toy" with a welded in one of those nasty plastic shells?!

yea?! yea?! go on, be a ....doll, reignite the computer and ooooff we go!!!

#dataset #commanderdata #startrek #tng #Enterprise #data #meme #mamema #memes

Last updated 1 year ago

once up on a time, ...in january i saw amongst a few other a epic big data , so i wanted some date of my own and things went rather well. so much energy in me, ...apparently.

has soooo much more

#meme #dadjoke #mamema #data #startrek #tng #memes #commanderdata #Enterprise

Last updated 1 year ago

Carolen πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ · @carolen
172 followers · 1263 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

πŸ˜‚ burning

#startrek #lowerdecks #tng

Last updated 1 year ago

LeRoy Miller · @kd8bxp
178 followers · 911 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Reginald Barclay has to be one of the most tradic characters ever.
Addicted to holosuites, reverted to a protohumans, afraid of transporters, becomes the most advanced human ever (only to have that taken from him).
On the other side thou he did find a way to communicate with Voyager and other successes after he left The Enterprise. So maybe The Enterprise was the problem and not Barclay.

#voyager #tng #sttng #startrrk

Last updated 1 year ago

GabeMoralesVR · @GabeMoralesVR
131 followers · 2338 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

My favorite thing about , especially (and so far) is how unrelentingly hopeful it is. I really like Sci Fi in general, always have since I was a kid, but most Sci Fi is dour or cautionary tales. I'm not too familiar with Sci Fi that believes in the best in humanity as a species. Star Trek believes there is a future right around the corner for us where we solve all our problems. All that's left is the pure pursuit of knowledge through exploration of the universe. I love that.

#startrek #tng #snw

Last updated 1 year ago

GabeMoralesVR · @GabeMoralesVR
131 followers · 2338 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

is so great. I didn't grow up with it, I was too cool for it. Didn't watch any of it until I was in my 30's when, out of pure boredom, I started streaming . The thing about trek is there is so much of it, of varying qualities, that you get dreck like the Planet of the Black People episode, and simultaneously masterpieces like Inner Light.

I wish Jean Luc was a real person in charge of actual space military.

#startrek #tng #picard

Last updated 1 year ago

Nudeln Al Dente · @NudelnAlDente
55 followers · 901 posts · Server mstdn.social

Struggling through season 3 of on the advice of someone who said to skip season 2. They said season 2 was a return to form, which begs the question of how bad season 2 actually was, because season 3 is... Not Good imo. They appear to have Kirk-ized Picard & Riker so they're both full of piss, vinegar, too much testosterone & too few brain cells. 🀨
Reminded once again that as a fan, is closer to "my " than the new TNG-based stuff is.

#startrek #lowerdecks #tng #picard

Last updated 1 year ago

be like...

: "The were a middle-ages-style when they were invaded, giving them warp drive too soon."

: "The were a modern when they traded with interstellar civilizations, giving them warp drive too soon."

: "The were a postmodern semi- culture who developed warp drive on their own... except it was centuries before everyone else, giving them warp drive too soon."

#fascist #vulcans #enterprise #capitalism #ferengi #tng #feudalism #klingons #tos #races #villain #startrek

Last updated 1 year ago

Reminder that is actually mainstream, and all four of the mainline shows (, , , and ESPECIALLY ) had some of the highest ratings/viewership of their time. Statistically speaking, anyone who claims they didn't at least watch some of TNG is either lying or wasn't watching in the 80s / 90s.

#tv #tng #enterprise #voyager #tos #television #startrek

Last updated 1 year ago

In 1989, my Dad named a character in a TNG episode after me.

As I'm considering a new solo-ish Trek campaign, I searched that young officer on Memory Alpha.

Turns out they were played by a woman! Which is so fucking awesome.

#tng #startrek #startrekadventures

Last updated 1 year ago

42402.7 · @42402dot7
3 followers · 1 posts · Server friendsofdesoto.social

I am a from Germany, based in Japan. was my first love, is still my favorite. slash @GreatestTrek is my favorite podcast, which I'm sure will come as a shock to all of you lol. I've been known to share a meme or two, related and beyond.

#introduction #FoD #tng #ds9 #greatestgen #startrek

Last updated 1 year ago

Jens (yodahome) :verified: · @yoda
137 followers · 935 posts · Server mastodon.ir0k.de

Captain about a new intelligent life form created by the USS Enterprise (S7E23): "The intelligence that was formed on the Enterprise didn't just come out of the ship's systems. It came from us, from our mission records, personal logs, holodeck programs, our fantasies. Now, if our experiences with the Enterprise have been honorable, can't we trust that the sum of those experiences will be the same?" Great comment on A.I. imho

#picard #startrek #tng #quote #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

I’ve seen a couple posts from folks my age who grew up with , lamenting the direction the world is going.

Remember, though, the universe(s) had to endure the Eugenics Wars and Second Civil War which escalated into World War III in 2026. Almost a third of humanity was wiped out, along with most major cities and world governments, and 600,000 plant and animal species.

So chin up! It’s got to get a lot worse before it gets better! πŸ˜‰


#startrekthenextgeneration #startrek #tng #wherethevulcansat

Last updated 1 year ago

Timothy R. Butler · @trbutler
31 followers · 258 posts · Server mastodon.faithtree.social

The 13 shows to get to know me meme going around (it's hard to come up with that many!)
2. :
3. ()
4. Show
5. Star Trek:
6. (MCU)
11. The Show.
13. The Show

#ilovelucy #startrek #ds9 #wandavision #mcu #dickvandyke #tng #loki #thebeverlyhillbillies #newhart #idreamofjeannie #greenacres #bobnewhart #sanfordandson #andygriffith

Last updated 1 year ago

jack · @jack
219 followers · 4783 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@nocontexttrek Wow, that's a hard one, especially since Iggy Pop has been mentioned multiple times already. Regarding , I'm torn between Joan Collins and Ted Cassidy (Addams Family). For , the wonderful Bebe Neuwirth has been named here too, so I'll propose Famke Janssen. And Lori Petty in .

But my favourite has to be from a movie - not the best of the films, mind you - but what a fabulously bizarre, poetic and funny performance by the great in VI!

#tos #tng #voyager #iman #startrek

Last updated 1 year ago