😱 Mais non !? le site de @fanch_le_cleach « Numérique Éducatif » est HS. Comment retrouver toutes les bonnes infos et les bonnes applis sur OpenBoard ? #openboard #TNI #VPI
TNI Tak Persoalkan Mayor Dedi Jadi Penasihat Hukum Tersangka ARH
#advokat #hukum #tni #indonesia
Ketika puluhan #TNI datangi Mapolresta Medan dan meminta penangguhan penahanan tersangka sipil.
Peristiwa baru ini kejadian apa nggak ya kalau kemarin #KPK tidak meminta maaf atas penetapan #Kabasarnas sebagai tersangka #korupsi?
#hukum #POLRI #indonesia #korupsi #kabasarnas #KPK #tni
Jangan dievaluasi doank Pak, dihentikan dunk, itu mandat #Reformasi98
OTT #KPK di Basarnas yang melibatkan dua perwira #TNI berujung polemik. Presiden Jokowi menegaskan akan mengevaluasi penempatan perwira TNI di jabatan sipil.
#tni #KPK #dwifungsitni #korupsi #indonesia #reformasi98
Geger dan polemik #KPK tetapkan #Kabasarnas tersangka # korupsi dan diprotes #TNI itu jadi menarik u/ lihat seberapa banyak keberanian, komitmen, dan konsistensi para tokoh menjalankan reformasi sistem hukum dan reformasi sektor keamanan di #Indonesia. Juga seberapa jauh agenda #Reformasi98 berjalan maju, stagnan, atau malah mundur.
Udah mulai kelihatan kan? :)
#reformasi98 #indonesia #tni #kabasarnas #KPK
Reformasi hukum u/ hapus "kekhususan" prajurit #TNI sdh ada. Pasal 65 ayat (2) UU 34/2004 ttg TNI nyatakan prajurit TNI yg langgar hukum pidana umum tunduk kpd kekuasaan peradilan umum. Jd #KPK mmg berwenang tetapkan prajurit TNI jd tersangka #korupsi.
TNI protes pake UU 31/1997 ttg Peradilan Militer. Dr tahunnya sj dah jelas, UU itu produk pra #Reformasi98.
Tp Waket KPK Johanis Tanak malah ralat penetapan tersangka itu, sebut penyidik KPK khilaf, & minta maaf. Spt jaman #Orba sj.
#indonesia #Orba #reformasi98 #korupsi #KPK #tni
Protes #TNI terhadap #KPK yg menetapkan Kabasarnas sebagai tersangka korupsi jadi bukti PR besar #Reformasi1998 belum selesai.
Itu bukan sekadar soal wibawa KPK tangani kasus #korupsi, tapi soal persamaan di depan hukum.
25 tahun pascareformasi, tiap prajurit TNI tetap diperlakukan berbeda, sulit disentuh aparat penegak hukum sipil seperti kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan peradilan umum.
#indonesia #korupsi #reformasi1998 #KPK #tni
Abraham Samad soal Kasus Basarnas: Tindakan KPK Dungu dan Memalukan
#kasuskorupsi #tni #KPK #indonesia
Parah sih ini, sedihnya
#kasuskorupsi #tni #KPK #indonesia
Les élèves de moyenne section s'entraînent à associer les lettres capitales et scriptes sur le tableau numérique financé par la ville de @Poitiersfr
Merci @MaximeBecquet pour les applications de la classe du lama !
Chi governa il capitalismo digitale https://altreconomia.it/chi-governa-il-capitalismo-digitale/ #Transationalinstitute #supercomputer #datacenter #StatiUniti #Attualità #satelliti #computer #cina #ten #tni #pc
#pc #tni #ten #cina #computer #satelliti #attualità #statiuniti #datacenter #supercomputer #Transationalinstitute
"What #ArtificialIntelligence is hiding", article by Karina Pedace, Tomás Balmaceda and
Tobías J. Schleider on tni.org/ #TNI: "In the hands of the state apparatus and large corporations, 'artificial intelligence' can be an effective instrument of #control, #surveillance and domination, and for consolidating the status quo." This became clear when in 2017, the governor of Salta, #Argentina, signed a project with #Microsoft to use #IA to prevent teenage pregnancies: "The project's failure and its violations of #privacy and #humanrights points to the dangers of relying on AI to tackle social and environmental issues" 👉 https://www.tni.org/es/node/18055 #InteligenciaArtificial #IA
#artificialintelligence #tni #control #surveillance #argentina #microsoft #ia #privacy #humanrights #inteligenciaartificial
Ontario judge dismisses 'puzzling' $1M libel action by anti-vaxx nurses | CBC News https://bit.ly/3G3bJrv #COVIDOntario #KristenNagle #SLAPP #CNA #COVID19 #KristalPitter #TNI #SLAPP #Lawsuit #Coronavirus #SarahChoujounian #onpoli @onpoli
#covidontario #KristenNagle #slapp #cna #COVID19 #KristalPitter #tni #lawsuit #coronavirus #sarahchoujounian #onpoli
Banking on data
How the world’s tax havens became the data centres for the digital economy
#tni #taxhavens #bankingsecrecy #taxevasion #datacentres
#DigitalSocialism #MichaelKwet #tni
#digitalsocialism #MichaelKwet #tni
#DigitalSocialism #MichaelKwet #tni
#digitalsocialism #MichaelKwet #tni
President Joko Widodo appointed Navy Admiral Yudo Margono to be the next Commander in Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, this morning.
He replaces Army General FX Andika Perkasa who is stepping down two days ahead of his 58th birthday which is the mandatory retirement age in the Indonesian military.
Admiral Yudo himself will turn 58 in November 2023, less than one year into his new role.
The Admiral was the sole candidate submitted by President Joko Widodo to the DPR to be the new Commander in Chief of the TNI. He had been the Navy Chief of Staff since 2020. He is the 22nd Commander in Chief of the Indonesian military and only the third Navy Admiral to hold the position in over 20 years
#indonesia #tni #news #military
Un fond de page Seyès dans Xournal++
Je découvre Xournal++ et je tente de l'utiliser sur un VPI de classe...
#xournal #tice #numedu #tni
Trans National Institute #TNI met eigen #PeerTube instance. 😍
(The Transnational Institute (TNI) is an international research and advocacy institute committed to building a just, democratic and sustainable world.).
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Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Yudo Margono has firmed as the next Commander in Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces to succeed General Andika Perkasa when the General retires in December, being the sole candidate nominated by President Jokowi. We’ve always wondered if the Admiral is often upset for being KSAL 🤔