Eight years. Sometimes five minutes ago and sometimes a lifetime.
Terry Pratchett changed my life for the better. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his writing, or without the amazing community of fans I met because of him.
I wrote this back then to try and capture how we felt: https://pop-verse.com/2015/03/13/on-grieving-for-the-famous-a-tribute-to-terry/
I love following the #Discworld hashtag here and seeing people starting on their own Pratchett journeys, or us old hacks enjoying a re-read.
#discworld #toastforterry #Speakhisname #gnuterrypratchett
Just put up a new article on Clacks Header:
This one was originally written by @shivers who kindly allowed me to reproduce it on my site (Thanks!).
#terrypratchett #clacksheader #grieving #TheTurtleMoves #death #ripples #love #books #philosophy #toastforterry