Bring me an oxygen tube quick!
#retrocomputing #ZXSpectrum #Spectrum128k #toastrack #Speccy
#retrocomputing #zxspectrum #spectrum128k #toastrack #speccy
Low bright sun picks out the shocking green of the parakeets in the park but my phone camera is not upto the job, so here’s the #toastrack in the sun instead. Still mega-busy recording but today involves a space for relaxing. The death of the birdsite has not come at the best time to start and consistently use a new web-presence but I do have to say the time spent in the #fediverse is a pleasure
The #ToastRack #Manchester is more evidence that you just can't leave the public realm and heritage in the hands of the "developers".
"Inside Manchester's abandoned iconic building that's been left derelict for years" - Manchester Evening News
#Planning #GreaterManchester
#GreaterManchester #planning #manchester #toastrack
Inside Manchester's iconic building that's been left derelict for years #manchester #ToastRack #HollingsBuilding
#manchester #toastrack #hollingsbuilding
A #sunnymorning in #modernist #manchester #toastrack #architecture a nice day out for a change
#sunnymorning #modernist #manchester #toastrack #architecture