Good News, Everyone!
This weekend I cracked[0] Sir Simon Baron-Cohen's laptop, and uploaded one gibibyte[1] estrogen to his hard drive.
I took a screenshot of his lock screen as evidence that I didn't just make this up.
#Spectrum10K #TheoryOfMind #ToB #ExtremeMaleBrain #EMB
[0] Hacking ain't cracking, hmkay.
[1] This is why your own hard drive is always smaller than it says on the tin.
#Spectrum10K #theoryofmind #tob #extrememalebrain #emb
@timsailer hello, fellow #tob reader. I’m looking forward to reading this, glad you’re enjoying it!
Toujours le petit #blues de finir un bon jeu (ou un bon livre) 😢
J'ai *enfin* fini #BaldursGate2 + #ToB. Purée c'était long... et les derniers boss ont été finis dans la douleur.
Je m'en suis presque dégoûté mais tristoune quand même, c'était une chouette madeleine de #Proust.
#proust #tob #baldursgate2 #blues
More Tales sketchies - Artorius, Velvet and Rideaux #TOB #TOX2 #mastoart