I showed someone my list of more tan 500 Australian fossil fuel sponsorships today and they were dispirited by the length of the list, which wasn't my intention.
I don't feel that way for the following reasons:
1. The list is long but the vast majority of organisations don't have fossil fuel sponsors. Eg there is one children's literature festival sponsored by fossil fuels - and many others that aren't, showing that it can be done.
2. There's significant momentum with major fossil fuel sponsorships being rejected, for example The Perth Festival, Cricket Australia, the Science Experience, Questacon. When controversy over these individual sponsorships are publicized the general arguments against fossil fuel sponsorship also become more widely known and understood.
3. Tobacco sponsorship was just as ubiquitous and seemingly necessary to sports and cultural groups. But we all learned to live without it.
Fossil fuel companies would like us to believe they support everything we love, but they don't. They cherry pick a few events/organisations/regions to support and then exaggerate their contribution. We can have nice things without them.
#FossilFuelSponsorships #FossilAdBan #TobaccoBan #FossilFuels
#fossilfuelsponsorships #fossiladban #tobaccoban #fossilfuels
#TuesdayColumn: That moment when #NewZealand just plain proposes a generational #BanOnTobacco while the rest of us can't even decide who won what election. #CigaretteBan #TobaccoBan #politics #writing
Weeding Out the Smokers:
#tuesdaycolumn #BanOnTobacco #CigaretteBan #newzealand #tobaccoban #politics #writing