As part of the 💻 CRE webinar series, Prof Ron Borland presented recent findings from the ITC study and discussed some of the challenges of moving to a 🚭 smoking-free future. If you missed the #webinar on 22 June, you can watch the recording here:
#tobaccoendgame #tobaccocontrol
#webinar #tobaccoendgame #tobaccocontrol
Today is #WorldNoTobaccoDay.
3 days ago, new FBiH #tobaccocontrol legislation entered into force. We urge its proper application.
We also urge authorities in other parts of BiH to take steps to protect citizens from harm.
#WorldNoTobaccoDay #tobaccocontrol
#TobaccoControl is about public health!
The new FBiH law entering into force is a step towards healthier population & public spaces ✅
We urge for proper enforcement & call on authorities on all levels to adopt new tobacco legislation in line w 🇪🇺 standards.
Deadline extended📢
Don’t miss this #EU4Health call for #tenders on #tobaccocontrol for a Single Framework Contract to support the assessment of characterising flavours in tobacco products
💶€ 3 000 000
📌 21 April 2023, 16:00 (CEST)
#EU4Health #tenders #tobaccocontrol
⚠The deadline of this #EU4Health call for tenders on #tobaccocontrol has been extended until 21 April 2023⤵
RT @EU_HaDEA: Deadline approaching📢
Are you working in the field of #tobaccocontrol ? Check out this #EU4Health call for #tender to support the assessment of characterising flavours in tobacco products
💶€ 3 000 000
📌 11 April 2023, 16:00 (CEST)
#EU4Health #tobaccocontrol #tender
Deadline approaching📢
Are you working in the field of #tobaccocontrol ? Check out this #EU4Health call for #tender to support the assessment of characterising flavours in tobacco products
💶€ 3 000 000
📌 11 April 2023, 16:00 (CEST)
#tobaccocontrol #EU4Health #tender
#EU4Health call for #tenders📢
Check out this service contract to support the implementation of #tobaccocontrol policies by:
🔵Assessing flavours in tobacco products
🔵Conducting a study on the applied methodologies & approaches
📌Deadline: 11/04
💶€3 M
#EU4Health #tenders #tobaccocontrol
Are you working in the field of #tobaccocontrol ?
We have a #tender for you:
Single Framework Contract to support the assessment of characterising flavours in tobacco products
💶€ 3 000 000
📌 11 April 2023, 16:00 (CET)
Congratulations to CRE PhD student Andrew Perusco who has been awarded a Sir Roland Wilson scholarship! 👏 Andrew’s research explores why #TobaccoEndgame measures have not been incorporated into Australia’s #TobaccoControl policies, and what might precipitate adoption.
#tobaccoendgame #tobaccocontrol
Prof Janet Hoek will be presenting “Imagining things otherwise: Aotearoa New Zealand’s #TobaccoEndgame” as part of IGTC’s Innovations in #TobaccoControl lecture series. Note the time difference! Register here:
#tobaccoendgame #tobaccocontrol
I just emailed my state representatives asking them to make sure lawmakers know just how important tobacco prevention and cessation program funding is in Connecticut. You can too! #Connecticut #TobaccoControl
New #EU4Health call for tenders📢
Service contract to support the implementation of #tobaccocontrol policies by:
🔵Assessing distinct flavours in tobacco products
🔵Conducting a study on the methodologies & approaches applied
📅Deadline: 11 April 2023
Looking forward to talking with Dan Peris on New Books Network soon about Cigarettes and Soviets: Smoking in the USSR!! See his initial thoughts here:
#tobaccocontrol #soviethistory #medicalhistory #history
#tobaccocontrol #soviethistory #medicalhistory #history
Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 is an initiative in New Zealand developed through serious commitment by the NZ Government to end the tobacco epidemic:
ACOSH welcomes the recent commitment of to reignite #tobaccocontrol in Aus 🙌
New paper 📢
'Smoking cessation among #gender minority populations, cis-women, and cis-men: Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey'
Conclusion: despite equal levels of quit attempts and heaviness of smoking - gender minority smokers make more use of smoking assistance, and respond stronger to triggers for thinking about quitting smoking.
@tobaccocontrol @dutchacademics @academicchatter #AkademieNL #TobaccoControl
#gender #AkademieNL #tobaccocontrol
«The findings indicate that more rapid adoption of alternative nicotine products may help reduce smoking prevalence faster than traditional tobacco control measures focused on prevention and cessation alone.»
Karl Fagerström
#THR #safernicotine
#Vaping #Snus #HTP
#tobaccoharmreduction #thr #safernicotine #vaping #snus #htp #tobaccocontrol #smoking
An honour to have with us, Head of the talking about #FCTC and #tobacco #endgame. Main #challenges:
🔸new products
🔸#industry #interference
🔸#harmreduction rhetoric
🔸real or perceived disagreements within the #tobaccocontrol movement
#icowho2022 #tobaccocontrol #harmreduction #interference #industry #challenges #endgame #tobacco #fctc
‘I’ve lost my children to vaping’: the tragic stories behind the soaring rates of youth addiction
#tobaccocontrol #vaping #youthhealth
Australia getting back on track with new #tobaccocontrol #policy reforms - but should Australia aim for a Tobacco Moonshot like Aotearoa-NZ? 🚭 @tobaccocontrol
Australia getting back on track with new #tobaccocontrol #policy reforms - but should Australia aim for a Tobacco Moonshot like Aotearoa-NZ? 🚭 @tobaccocontrol