#tobeornottobe William Shakespeares #FirstFolio wird 400 🎉 Weltweit gibt es nur 14 Exemplare in Top-Zustand. Eins davon hat die @unibibkoeln. Mehr über die Geschichte des wertvollen Buches gibt es im aktuellen #Unimagazin👇
#tobeornottobe William Shakespeare's #FirstFolio turns 400 🎉 There are only 14 copies in top condition worldwide. The @unibibkoeln has one of them. Read more about the history of this valuable book in the current #Unimagazin👇
#tobeornottobe #firstfolio #unimagazin
Prolific character actor #EarlBoen died January 5. Boen's TV career began in 1974 with appearances on #WonderWoman, #EightIsEnough, #TheJeffersons, #BuckRogers, #ThreesCompany, #FantasyIsland, #MamasFamily, #Dallas and many more. He also appeared in a wide variety of films including #9To5, #BattleBeyondTheStars, #TheManWithTwoBrains and #ToBeOrNotToBe. He's best known for his role as Dr. Silberman in the first three #Terminator movies. Boen was 81.
IMDb: https://tinyurl.com/earl-boen-imdb
#earlboen #wonderwoman #eightisenough #thejeffersons #buckrogers #threescompany #fantasyisland #mamasfamily #dallas #9to5 #battlebeyondthestars #themanwithtwobrains #tobeornottobe #terminator
1. #SomeLikeItHot
2. #SherlockHolmesSmarterBrother
3. #HowlsMovingCastle
4. #TheJerk
5. #ToBeOrNotToBe
6. #Carol
7. #TheGoonies
#7filmstoknowme #somelikeithot #sherlockholmessmarterbrother #howlsmovingcastle #thejerk #tobeornottobe #carol #thegoonies