I write thing!! Last week, Olivia Chow's handpicked Executive Committee recommended a raft of new taxes and levies to stave off budget catastrophe. The real test of her leadership will be if City Council approves them. My latest for The Local: https://thelocal.to/olivia-chows-financial-plan/
a classic
https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2015.EX3.4 #TOpoli #TOcouncil #TObudget
Once again, you will be able to see the vote totals etc. on the item page here: https://secure.toronto.ca/council/agenda-item.do?item=2023.MPB4.1
Thanks everyone for following along. PHEW. Who the hell knows what's going to happen next. #TOpoli #TOcouncil #TObudget
Back for even more #TOcouncil budget debate. New livestream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9v70Ee29-c
(Note: I'm just sitting around doing nothing so, as ever, feel free to ask me literally anything about the budget, municipal government, etc. I will try to answer.)
Yes, today is a Jernalism Day. I'll be following & live-tooting the Toronto budget debate, so mute if necessary.
For a Real Journalist's coverage, the Star's Dave Rider is there: https://twitter.com/dmrider
Was considering going to City Hall for budget debate tomorrow when I realized: no, fuck that
I guess hypothetically I could depending on how I feel tomorrow, idk.
What's happening with #TObudget? I did not get any invite even after reaching out a couple of days ago to the folks at
✉️ buc@toronto.ca
📱 (416) 392-4666
My two favourite charts from the latest City Hall Watcher.
The usual bar chart on where the average property tax bill goes lumps together paramedics, fire services, and police in one category. Separating them shows the disparity: https://www.datawrapper.de/_/XmB0h/
And what the City is spending on repairs to the Gardiner Expressway, vs. road safety, sidewalks, and cycling: https://www.datawrapper.de/_/eTtJ1/
Free to read, for everyone! https://toronto.cityhallwatcher.com/p/chw210
Starting soon: public deputations at Budget Committee! https://youtu.be/JQ017hz7mxo
Going on all day today and tomorrow, so check the YouTube channel for all the livestreams: https://youtube.com/@TorontoCityCouncilLive
RT @SkylarMaharaj@twitter.com
From @gordperks@twitter.com questions of staff on budgeting for staff roles, we learn that there are 4,000 vacancies (10%) and that "not all vacancies are budgeted to be filled." This is highly problematic. Planned understaffing = service cuts!
#TOBudget #TOpoli
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SkylarMaharaj/status/1612860087344795659
Anyway, for live #TObudget updates see Matt Elliott who has opted to cover this on the fascist hell site: https://twitter.com/GraphicMatt/status/1612823843147489282
If you'll excuse me I have a cat to wrangle. 🐘
Did I inadvertently book a vet appointment for Wasabi on the same day as #TObudget launch? You bet your sweet bippy 🐘
Did I inadvertently book a vet appointment for Wasabi on the same day as #TObudget launch? You bet your sweet bippy
RT @sbuchananTO@twitter.com
A friendly reminder to Toronto's Mayor and Council - the expanded climate change plan you approved in 2021 includes free transit before 2040. It's in here, page 22. #topoli #tobudget https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/8f02-TransformTO-Net-Zero-Framework-Technical-Report-Parts-1-2.pdf
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sbuchananTO/status/1610969994447450113