Good one Michael 🤣
"What about Act? Who is the Prebble of 2023? There is no listed candidate for the [Wellington Central] electorate, and when the chair of the event, RNZ legend Bryan Crump, looked unsuccessfully around the room for someone from the party, Michael Appleby of the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party piped up. 'They asked me to speak on their behalf', he lied. 'The Association of Cannabis and Toking'."
#tobymanhire #nzpolitics #election2023
The polls haven't been good news for Labour *or* National, as standalone parties. As #TobyManhire pointed out last month;
"the average across the latest polls from five companies put the Labour/National aggregate at 66.2%. And it is not just the lowest of the last dozen years. Not since the end of 2002 have the big two polled beneath a combined 70%. That followed a record low 20.9% election result for National, with Labour winning 41.26%."