Very late to the party. Today, we played our first #ArkhamHorror #cardgame scenario and won it by a whisker. Honestly, the game system is rather clunky, but I like it anyway. I think with a cheat sheet and more experience it will be far more approachable. In my opinion, it's far more exciting and thrilling than #MansionsofMadness. I still prefer #ttrpg, but we enjoyed this game quite a bit.
TL;DR: We want more!
#Mythos #Horror #Lovecraft #recommended #boardgame #LCG #FFG #Cthulhu #Coc #TOC
#ArkhamHorror #cardgame #mansionsofmadness #ttrpg #mythos #horror #lovecraft #recommended #boardgame #lcg #FFG #cthulhu #CoC #toc
Me resisto a pensar el TOC como una forma de neurodivergencia como sostienen algunos, en el sentido de que sea como parte de tu personalidad. No porque no tenga un sustrato genético y neurológico, sino porque normalizarlo como tu personalidad es peligroso porque es una condición sumamente debilitante y muchas veces discapacitante, que genera mucho sufrimiento. Que hayas vivido toda tu vida o gran parte de tu vida con la condición no significa que lo seas. Nadie es su diagnóstico, el que sea. Es un reduccionismo peligroso.
#saludmental #toc #neurodivegentes
Check out the ToC for Rosalind's Siblings: Fiction and Poetry Celebrating Scientists of Marginalized Genders! Super happy to see this anthology coming soon!
Featuring @stefanicox @celianeri @premeesaurus @phoebebarton @JenLRossman @ljswansonwrites @osahon4545 @vajra & more!!
#Anthologies #ToC #RosalindsSiblings #RosalindFranklin #ScienceFiction #SpeculativeFiction #Bookstodon @bookstodon @shortsff #ShortStories #Poetry #PoetryCommunity
#anthologies #toc #rosalindssiblings #RosalindFranklin #sciencefiction #speculativefiction #bookstodon #shortstories #poetry #poetrycommunity
Flt: N276LJ #TOC-#TEB
First seen: 2023/07/06 12:13:57
Min Alt: 2107 ft AGL
Min Dist: 1.33 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
@TangoVanDelta Da mir Details vorbereiten nur selten Spaß macht, versuche ich auch, meinen Zeitaufwand dafür gering zu halten. Entweder mit (guten!) Kaufabenteuern oder mit Systemen, die mir das Improvisieren leicht machen. Fünf Stunden für eine Sitzung könnte ich nie im Leben aufbringen. Eine ist das Maximum muss es tun.
P.S.: Grade bei #Cthulhu habe ich auch fast nur positive Erfahrungen hinsichtlich des Verhältnisses Vorbereitung zu Spielzeit. Speziell mit Pelgranes Materialien zu #ToC.
Yo no tengo TOC pero vivo con alguien que sí lo tiene. Diagnosticado, tratado...Nos reímos (porque intento reírme de todo), lloramos, negociamos muchísimo....a veces es agotador....
First seen: 2023/04/17 19:10:26
Min Alt: 2482 ft AGL
Min Dist: 11.83 mi
#planefence #adsb - docker:kx1t/planefence
#expediteaviation #toc #teb #planefence #adsb
#TOC once again showing that women do better with blind judging where it’s skills and talent first.
Can any man win #TournamentOfChampions. Guess not. (P.S. I was rooting for Jet.)
Tonight’s the night. I can’t believe this season of #TournamentOfChampions has gone by so quickly. But this season finale episode will certainly keep you on the edge of your seat. Simply saying, do not miss it.
8 pm on @foodnetwork. Streaming on @discoveryplus.
#TOC #FoodNetwork #DiscoveryPlus #CookingShow #CookingCompetition #FoodTV #TVShow #FoodShow #Chef #Chefs #GuyFieri
#GuyFieri #Chefs #Chef #foodshow #tvshow #FoodTV #cookingcompetition #cookingshow #DiscoveryPlus #foodnetwork #toc #TournamentOfChampions
Entre hier et ce matin j'ai fait :
skate, nage, nage
C'est super chiant !
Maintenant je dois faire :
nage, skate, nage
nage, nage, skate
nage, nage, nage
skate, skate, skate
nage, skate, skate
skate, nage, skate
skate, skate, nage
#dev #binaire #toc #computermadness
is anyone else on here watching #TournamentOfChampions because I am SO here for Britt Rescigno making competition history #ToC
Make sure to use the `gfm_auto_identifier` extension on a reader when converting to GitHub Flavored Markdown, especially when adding a Table of Contents with `--toc -s`. E.g.:
pandoc -f markdown+gfm_auto_identifiers -t gfm --toc -s
This is a bit awkward, but ensures that all links and header IDs are in the format expected by GitHub.
#Markdown #gfm #toc
Несмотря на верхнюю строчку на обложке, Голдратт к этой книге отношение вроде как не имеет. Вывод напрашивается просто из-за списка авторов, где общее звено только Джефф Кокс. Тем не менее, в руках книга на тему Теории Ограничений и это может быть достаточно полезно…
Кратко: После прочтения “Цели” и “Проект Феникс” остаётся куда больше интересных выводов и идей. А эту книгу можно взять хотя бы для закрепления основной идеи TOC (Theory of constraints).
Happy Friday. Two more days until there’s a brand new episode of #TournamentOfChampions with @guyfieri. Sunday, March 19th at 8pm on the @foodnetwork and streaming on @discoveryplus. We are on to the second round so don’t miss it.
#toc #DiscoveryPlus #foodnetwork #tvshow #TournamentOfChampions
Algún día veré recompensando mi #toc porque encontrare un premio entre tanta viruta. 😁