Another new #Perl module - this one to make subroutine signature parameters that are aliases of the caller's value, rather than a copy. Makes it easier to write functions that mutate the caller's arguments
A small #Perl module wrapping the extended sub parser provided by XS::Parse::Sublike. Using this, code can use new experimental features such named parameters to functions.
A new version of #libtickit (0.4.4) and its corresponding #Perl wrapper module, Tickit (0.74). These provide a modern terminal application framework.
Latest additions are support for subscript and superscript formatting attribute, and left/right horizontal mouse wheel events.
#todayiachieved #libtickit #perl
A pop-up outline treeview of the document's structure in `sdview`, allowing quick jump scrolling to any of the headings.
(hopefully this post will allow a video attachment)
A set of development boards for the new AVR ATtiny 2-series chips. ATtiny824, ATtiny1626 and ATtiny3227. They don't make an 8pin chip in this range, so no smaller one this time. These will hopefully go up on my #tindie store in a few days
Learning that an LM311 does not have rail-to-rail input, and won't work properly on full range signals when powered only at 5V. I think I shall need another chip instead.
Anyone got any jellybean suggestions for a 5V RRIO comparator?
A Tickit-based viewer for my `sdview` program, rendering POD, Markdown, nroff, and possibly other document formats nicely to the terminal.
A little test program (to blink an LED, talk UART and report on the GPIO pins), and a breakout board, for the new AVR ATtiny824 chip. Hopefully soon a new product to appear on my Tindie store, and a blog post to write about how to build code for these things on Debian.
An enormous amount of debugging into ultimately a really weird core #perl behavior. I don't quite think I want to call it a bug but it is definitely odd and needs a better approach
Reliable reading of two SPI ADCs concurrently - i.e. sampling at the same time.
I learned that a 4066 makes a terrible SPI bus multiplexer. Far better to use some 74'125s instead
Now I can read two analog signals at high speed with matched timing. This will be required for plotting IV curves.
It's here, somewhere under this messy jumble of wires.
A driver for an ST7735 colour TFT display running on an #AVR #ATtiny microcontroller. What's great about mine is that I can read values back from the display, by putting the SPI controller into hiZ output to read the bizarre half-duplex IO mode this display chip uses.
(The actual colours on the display look much nicer to the eye than my phone camera can pick up)
A new #Perl module that implements another field attribute for `Object::Pad`-based classes. This one permits more generic constraint checks on values that are assigned to fields.
Implementing code-injections in Text::Treesitter + the example highlight script. It can now render embedded POD within #perl source, for example.
Here it is again, showing both code-folding and embedded POD within its own source code
Refreshed all the #perl Object::Pad extension attribute modules. Overall updates to the tests (to use Test2), and also use the newer `field` keyword instead of the much older and now discouraged `has`
A new version of Object::Pad for #perl, which removes the "experimental" warning from uses of field initialiser expressions that are not just constants. These are now considered a stable feature.
Honestly not a whole lot that was finished. I've progressed a bunch of projects but nothing that is really note-worthy yet.
But this is OK - not every day has to be something notable.
A PR that removes the "experimental" warning from most of new the "builtin" functions in
#perl, now that they seem tested and useful enough to declare stable.
Still currently in Draft state until we can discuss it with the new PSC, once the vote finishes.
A new release of libvterm, which incorporates a whole bunch of little bugfixes to OSC 52 and DECSM parsing. Also adds notification about focus reporting, and handles mouse buttons 6/7 for horizontal scrolling.
A new #Perl keyword to be part of the `class` feature, which allows easy access to the class name of the invocant, which is accessible even early during object construction, before the `$self` is actually available. This makes class-based dispatch easily possible.
Adding code-folding support to my #treesitter highlight example script. Here it is drawing fold regions while highlighting its own #Perl source code
#todayiachieved #treesitter #perl