Tonight I put a few in:
▪︎ Blue and Golden Oysters;
▪︎ Black Pearl King Oysters;
▪︎ (Plain) King Oysters; and
▪︎ Milky mushrooms.
Will do more tomorrow.
#todayinmushrooms #mushtodon #mushrooms
▪︎ Elm oysters are pinning;
▪︎ More turkey tails on a random log I picked up;
▪︎ Popcorn tek almost ready to transfer to the final substrates.
I may post a follow-up with some of the different jars just so you can see how great a difference there is in the speed of colonization of the popcorn kernels between different varieties of mushrooms. They were all inoculated on the same day, within a half hour, tops.
#todayinmushrooms #mushrooms #mushtodon
Are these something that I thought had failed to take? Are these some random Garden mushrooms?
Found 3 mushrooms that I don't remember inoculating this pot with, growing some potatoes and some beans. But may well be from a reuse substrate that I thought had failed.
Could they be fried chicken mushrooms? Pretty sure milky mushrooms would not have overwintered. Not going to eat them and find out!
Spore print coming up in a couple of hours.
#todayinmushrooms #FungiFriday #mushrooms #mushtodon
Surprisingly little going on today, with only these growing (okay, there was also a finger-sized winecap that something knocked over last night, but we're going to ignore that).
The sheer curtain is to keep all manner of mushroom-eating bugs away from the fruit.
#todayinmushrooms #MushroomMonday #mushtodon
Inky caps and uh, more inky caps with a shaggy stipe? Not sure why they are growing around/under/out of(?) this one set of logs, but they are CLEARLY not chicken of the woods.
I suppose I could go to the trouble of doing a spore print, but I am not going to eat them anyway.
#todayinmushrooms #MushroomMonday #mushtodon
If any of you logs are planning to fruit, now would be a good time!
Especially that first picture of the lion's mane log. The rain made the mycelium come right out.
Also, bonus peek at the elm oyster bucket.
#todayinmushrooms #FungiFriday #mushtodon #gardening
These guys again.
The rain has apparently reinvigorated the big winecap patch (so far not the pots, mercifully).
It's funny how these were the ones I was most looking forward to a couple of months ago and now they're like zucchini — making me think of ways I can sneak them onto my neighbours' doorsteps.
#todayinmushrooms #MushroomMonday #mushtodon
Something in the inkycap family rudely erupts in a container;
Winecaps wincecaps winecaps;
Surprise winecaps that seem to have already been sampled.
#MushroomMonday #todayinmushrooms #mushtodon
All wine caps all the time.
I picked the ones in the black currant container because they were threatening to sporulate.
New mushlings are in both the main patch and in the container with the burgundy raspberries.
#todayinmushrooms #FungiFriday #mushrooms
Let's find out whether this poor, forgotten jar of King Oyster on popcorn tek is still viable. 🤞🏾
I did these last fall, before the mushroom break. I dunno if it will take, but I have a goodly amount of sawdust to experiment with.
#todayinmushrooms #mushrooms #mushtodon
#FungiFriday the Mushroom Massacre Edition.
Raccoons? Squirrels? Skunks? Who knows. They just knock them over, and didn't even eat them.
Entirely my fault for not covering those, since that patch has produced an abundance for its first crop of the season. May have been getting a little tired of them.
We'll chalk it up to Mother Nature Tax.
#FungiFriday #todayinmushrooms #mushrooms
Asking the neighbours across the street if they want these beauties.
I don't know why all of them didn't get large — probably because the patch has produced so many so quickly.
I think it and I both need a rest.
Bring on the chestnut mushrooms and the black pearl king oysters.
#todayinmushrooms #mushtodon #mushrooms
Also: #TodayInMushrooms
This little wine cap was growing sufficiently far away from the main cluster, that I could pick him by himself, and put him in my lunch without disturbing the rest of them.
Now I'm going to finish eating it, and then get ready to go legal observe at an action. We'll see whether the protest profiteers are planning to come stalk me.
#todayinmushrooms #gardening #mushtodon #MushroomMonday
The chestnut mushroom bucket is almost ready to produce fruit, and two more sets of winecaps are growing in.
#todayinmushrooms #mushtodon #mushlings
The motherlode!
I picked two clusters of wine caps today, the first set early this afternoon because something had been chewing on a couple of the caps, and the second because I didn't want whatever chewed on them last night to chew on the other batch.
I managed to get them before any of them sporulated, which is good because they have extremely dark spores. It makes for an inky looking pasta, when you use them for that.
All in all there are 21 mushrooms of varying sizes, including two tiny mutant ones, that I guess did not get enough sun or some such.
I need more brown paper bags.
Also #TodayInMushrooms
Chestnut mushroom mycelium visible at the top of the sawdust, at last. I also poured an entire jar of black pearl king oyster liquid culture into a bucket of sawdust because I am too busy/tired to put it on an intermediate medium (never mind sterile substrate), and hopefully the sheer quantity will overwhelm any other competing spores. 🤷🏾♀️
These were the mushlings early this afternoon. They're bigger now.
There's a new set of pins!
(Whoever thought to put measurements on mushroom knives was a smart one. If only I had remembered that detail yesterday. )
I think at least one set will be ready for harvest Thursday morning. @crockett if you want to try some, we can meet up either between actions or after Defund.
#mushtodon #todayinmushrooms #gardening