Today, February 8, in 1899, stage magician Robert Angier visits America to ask scientist Nikola Tesla to build him a teleportation machine (The Prestige, 2006)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #TodayOnScreen #DatingTheMovies #ThePrestige #ChristopherNolan #Tesla #NikolaTesla #DavidBowie
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #todayonscreen #datingthemovies #theprestige #christophernolan #tesla #nikolatesla #davidbowie
Today, February 5, androgynous, bisexual glam rocker Brian Slade, who performs as the character Maxwell Demon, fakes his own death on stage after the pressures of fame become overwhelming (Velvet Goldmine, 1998)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #VelvetGoldmine #Glam #Letterboxd #TodayOnScreen
#film #movies #cinemastodon #VelvetGoldmine #glam #letterboxd #todayonscreen
Today, February 4, in 1979, 14-year-old Joe mourns the death of his mother Elizabeth, who was killed in an accident at the steel factory where she worked (Super 8, 2011)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #Super8 #JJAbrams #TodayOnScreen
#film #movies #cinemastodon #letterboxd #super8 #jjabrams #todayonscreen
Today, January 30, in 2010, the crew of the spacecraft Leonov discovers that sentient AI HAL 9000 malfunctioned during the 2001 Discovery One mission to Jupiter due to a classified directive to lie about the ship's true purpose: the monolith (2010: The Year We Make Contact, 1984)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #2010TheYearWeMakeContact #2001ASpaceOdyssey #SciFi #TodayOnScreen
#movies #film #cinemastodon #2010theyearwemakecontact #scifi #todayonscreen #2001aspaceodyssey
Today, January 29, in 1971, private detective John Shaft interviews some gangsters about a missing girl (Shaft, 1971)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #TodayOnScreen #OnThisDay #Shaft #Detective
#movies #film #cinemastodon #todayonscreen #onthisday #shaft #detective
Today, January 28, in 1986, Rainbow Johnson experiences a rite of passage for many teens in the 80s: being gifted with her first mixtape. She remembers the exact date because it is the same day of the Challenger explosion (Mixed-ish, "When Doves Cry", 2019)
#Television #Film #Cinemastodon #TV #RainbowJohnson #Mixedish #Challenger #TodayOnScreen #OnThisDay
#television #film #cinemastodon #tv #rainbowjohnson #mixedish #challenger #todayonscreen #onthisday
Today, January 26, in 1953, the LA Times reports on a police shootout in Bunker Hill in which four people are killed (LA Confidential, 1997)
#Film #Movies #Cinemastodon #LAConfidential #Noir #Letterboxd #TodayOnScreen
#film #movies #cinemastodon #laconfidential #noir #letterboxd #todayonscreen
Today, January 25, aspiring actress Mia Dolan gets stuck in traffic, has a rough day at work, goes to an audition with a rude casting director, and gets her car towed (La La Land, 2016)
#Film #Movies #FilmMastodon #LaLaLand #Hollywood #EmmaStone #RyanGosling #Letterboxd #TodayOnScreen
#film #movies #FilmMastodon #lalaland #hollywood #emmastone #ryangosling #letterboxd #todayonscreen
Today, January 24, in 1984, Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh computer to the world (depicted in Jobs, 2013)
#Film #Movies #FilmMastodon #Apple #Macintosh #1984 #SteveJobs #OnThisDay #TodayOnScreen
#film #movies #FilmMastodon #apple #macintosh #stevejobs #onthisday #todayonscreen
Today, January 22, in 1978, a young mutant named Forge sets booby traps in his lab—actually a portal to his custom-created pocket dimension (X-Men: Evolution, "Middleverse", 2000)
#XMen #Marvel #XMenEvolution #Nightcrawler #Forge #Cartoon #Animation #OnThisDay #TodayOnScreen
#xmen #marvel #xmenevolution #nightcrawler #forge #cartoon #animation #onthisday #todayonscreen
#OnThisDay, January 21, in 1670, French highwayman Claude Du Vall, known for his charm and courtesy to his English victims, was hanged at Tyburn (depicted in The Discovery Channel's Vic Reeves' Rogues Gallery, 2005)
#onthisday #highwayman #history #todayonscreen
Today, January 21, an Army captain named Jack Harkness died in a surprise attack by a German aircraft, after managing to save the lives of all of the men under his command; his name, however, lives on (Torchwood, 2006)
#DoctorWho #Torchwood #JackHarkness #SciFi #OnThisDay #TodayOnScreen
#doctorwho #torchwood #jackharkness #scifi #onthisday #todayonscreen
Today, January 20, in 1992, Yo! MTV Raps was on air, it was a clear and smogless day, beepers were commercially sold, Lakers beat the SuperSonics, and Ice Cube had no events to attend, so he had a good day (Ice Cube's "It Was A Good Day", 1993) (via
#ItWasAGoodDay #TodayOnScreen #OnThisDay #IceCube #Rap #Music #MTV
#itwasagoodday #todayonscreen #onthisday #icecube #rap #music #mtv
#OnThisDay, January 20, in 1973, US President Richard Nixon took the oath of office for his second term. He resigned in August of the following year after his administration was linked to a break-in at the Democratic party headquarters (depicted in All The President’s Men, 1976)
#Movies #Film #FilmMastodon #TodayOnScreen #OnThisDay #AllThePresidentsMen #Nixon #Journalism
#onthisday #movies #film #FilmMastodon #todayonscreen #AllThePresidentsMen #nixon #journalism
Today, January 20, vascular surgeon Dr. Richard Kimble arrives home to find his wife Helen fatally wounded by a one-armed man (The Fugitive, 1993)
#Movies #Film #FilmMastodon #TodayOnScreen #OnThisDay #TheFugitive #HarrisonFord
#movies #film #FilmMastodon #todayonscreen #onthisday #thefugitive #harrisonford
Today, January 19, in 2155, representatives of numerous worlds come together in San Francisco for the Coalition of Planets, a precursor to the United Federation of Planets (Star Trek: Enterprise, s04e20 "Demons", 2001)
#StarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #STE #TodayOnScreen #OnThisDay
#startrek #startrekenterprise #ste #todayonscreen #onthisday
Today, January 18, Sandman Logan and refugee Runner helper Jessica return to their sealed geodesic dome city (Logan’s Run, 1976)
#movies #film #logansrun #scifi #todayonscreen
On December 11 in Phoenix, Arizona, secretary Marion Crane is asked by her boss to make a deposit of $40,000 at the bank (Psycho, 1960)
#Psycho #Hitchcock #TodayOnScreen #DatingTheMovies #DatesInFilms #Film #Filmstodon #Cinema
#cinema #filmstodon #film #datesinfilms #datingthemovies #todayonscreen #hitchcock #psycho