#GoodMorningTooters and #HappyBaconSammidgeDay...!
Are we all #SimplyBursting with #FridayFrootiness...?!
#Commemorating 40-years of #OneHitWonders...
#TodaysEarworm comes to us #Courtesy of: #RenéeAndRenato
You can #ThankMe #AnytimeYouLike... #YoureWelcome
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🥪🦹🥓🦄🥓🦹🥪
#goodmorningtooters #happybaconsammidgeday #simplybursting #fridayfrootiness #commemorating #onehitwonders #todaysearworm #courtesy #reneeandrenato #thankme #anytimeyoulike #yourewelcome
Woke up with a song in my head that I haven't heard for years, but unfortunately it's not online anywhere, so that's annoying because I can't remember all the lyrics. I do remember it namechecks the 68 bus in the opening line and later includes the lines "you'll never know / salvation on the Walworth Road"