My fave #MCLyte track 🎶😎
Paper Thin
#FemaleMC #LadiesFirst #music #Youtube #MusicVideo #RecommendedMusic #MusicFromMyYouth #Eighties #hiphop #MyFaveTracks #nostalgia #LyricalGenius #FaveSongs #NowPlaying #ListenUp #TodaysTunes #RapMusic #WordWizard
#mclyte #femalemc #ladiesfirst #music #youtube #musicvideo #recommendedmusic #musicfrommyyouth #eighties #hiphop #myfavetracks #nostalgia #lyricalgenius #favesongs #nowplaying #ListenUp #todaystunes #rapmusic #wordwizard
Listening to Dorothy Ashby's "Hip Harp" album from 1958. #TodaysTunes
White Zombie - Blood, Milk & Sky.
I'm not sure what my brain is telling me, but waking up with "Guerilla Radio" as my dream-soundtrack and today's earworm is interesting...
Music to create dark and deep dungeons to...
#todaystunes #dungeon23 #slayer
🎵 The Dining Rooms – Tre #nowPlaying #todaysTunes
Nice new find, #Triphop, #electronica
#electronica #triphop #todaystunes #nowplaying
Today I’m in the mood for something a little heavier and this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. It’s kind of a math core/melodic mix that’s really good today while doing chores around the house. Be prepared to air drum while listening to this one.
Haken: Virus
@sia I started #TodaysTunes to share what I’m listening to each day while working. Also for other people to use to share.
I follow mostly tech or hobbies like #Developer #JavaScript #Comics #Horror and stuff. There are a lot of developers on here sharing great tips. And everyone is posting about the stuff they enjoy.
#ThickTrunkThursday is a popular one for nature lovers. Or #Mosstodon.
I also like #Positivity #A11y and #Accessibility
#todaystunes #developer #javascript #comics #horror #thicktrunkthursday #Mosstodon #positivity #a11y #accessibility
Kodomo - Still Life - Concept 1
Dreamy electronica, can almost hear this as a 'walking around downtown on the Grid' in a TRON movie...
#todaysTunes #newFind everything by SAULT is 🔥
Groovy bassline; fun psych, funk, soul mix.
Today I’m listening to one of my favorite Albums by one of my favorite groups. I don’t know how to describe them other than experimental progressive rock but also not? You have to just hear it for yourself and then check out all their other albums because they’re all really good.
Everything Everythhing: Arc
#todaystunes #music #everythingeverything
Today I’m listening to The Cure: Wild Mood Swings
This album rarely gets mentioned but it’s my second favorite album from #TheCure.
A lot of the songs/lyrics just resonate with me.
I need to focus today so listening to one of the all time Jazz classics, Charles Mingus: Let My Children Hear Music
#todaystunes #music #playlist #Jazz
Today I listened to a classic. Tori Amos: Boys for Pele
I’m not a huge Joywave fan but their latest album Cleanse is pretty good. Check it out.
I know I already did my #TodaysTunes post today but I have to do another because I just listened to this incredible album by a group I never heard of before. Listen to We Are the Ocean: Ark
#todaystunes #music #rock #rockandroll
Today I’m listening to Aimee Mann: Lost in Space. It’s one of those days where I just need something to soothe the soul.
Last one for today.
🎵 TJ Rehmi - The Alkhemist #nowPlaying #todaysTunes
#Instrumental #electronica with South Asian instruments sampling.
#electronica #instrumental #todaystunes #nowplaying