This is the earliest #comic ft #JohnRomitaSr's art I owned. By the mid-'80s this look grew creaky: #ToddMcFarland would soon utterly revamp #SpiderMan. #Romita didn't invent Spider-Man: #SteveDitko did (w/debatable input by #JackKirby & #StanLee).
But we all think of this version of Spider-Man 1st, the #TomBaker #DoctorWho. #Ditko may have been satisfied w/his own work, Romita LOVED drawing it: the audience felt that, and ❤️ed it back.
Vale, #JazzyJohn. Your place in eternity is secure.
#comic #johnromitasr #toddmcfarland #spiderman #romita #steveditko #jackkirby #stanlee #tombaker #doctorwho #ditko #jazzyjohn
@JaritzaFloresG94 Hi, Jaritza! Thanks for the boost and the follow! I love #TheSandman, too- I gave the whole series to my wife for our paper anniversary ages ago. And I've been reading @neilhimself since his first work on #Miracleman 30 years ago.
I don't know if you saw my earlier post, but I've been obsessed with Miracleman since I was a teen. The original series by #AlanMoore is one of the first comics to explore what would really happen if you gave someone superpowers.
After Moore finished the original series, #NeilGaiman wrote #MiraclemanTheGoldenAge. He planned two sequel series, but two issues into #MiraclemanTheSilverAge, the publisher folded. #ToddMcFarland bought the rights and wouldn't reprint it for over 20 years. This fall, #Gaiman finally got to work on it again.
The first new issue since 1992 comes out on 12/28 (the day before my birthday!) If you haven't read Miracleman, you have just enough time to order the series from #Amazon or #Comixology and catch up!
#thesandman #miracleman #alanmoore #neilgaiman #miraclemanthegoldenage #miraclemanthesilverage #toddmcfarland #gaiman #amazon #comixology