Kotaku: This New Romance Anime Is A Breath Of Fresh Air After Last Year's Harem Blitz https://kotaku.com/tomo-chan-is-a-girl-anime-crunchyroll-review-romance-1849950523 #gaming #tech #kotaku #quintessentialquintuplets2ccoupleofcuckoos2candrent #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #entertainment2cculture #mangakafumitayanagida #bishc58djogames #romanticcomedy #creativeworks #visualnovels #misuzugundou #toddmcgowan #funimation #tomoaizawa #videogames #junkubota #tomochan #anime #harem #eroge #chan #tomo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #quintessentialquintuplets2ccoupleofcuckoos2candrent #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #entertainment2cculture #mangakafumitayanagida #bishc58djogames #romanticcomedy #creativeworks #visualnovels #misuzugundou #toddmcgowan #funimation #tomoaizawa #videogames #junkubota #tomochan #anime #harem #eroge #chan #tomo
"not even the most ardent supporter of gun rights, can admit to any enjoyment of the mass shooting. This is where the unconscious plays a central role. ...A fetish object—the freedom or the security associated with the gun—becomes the focus," writes Todd McGowan
Not wanting to regulate firearms is masquerades as an argument for freedom. But can be exposed as an argument for a dark enjoyment. #ToddMcGowan #andyvantino #bookowlnews #lacan
#freud #unconscious #jouissance #zizek #nra #massshooting
#toddmcgowan #andyvantino #bookowlnews #Lacan #Freud #unconscious #jouissance #zizek #nra #massshooting