Microsoft Patch Tuesday, October 2020 Edition - It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month! In keeping with that theme, if you (ab)use Microsoft Windows com... #microsoftpatchtuesdayoctober2020 #zerodayinitiative #flashplayerpatch #cve-2020-16898 #cve-2020-16947 #dustinchilds #stevepovolny #timetopatch #toddschell #trendmicro #ivanti #mcafee
#mcafee #ivanti #trendmicro #toddschell #timetopatch #stevepovolny #dustinchilds #cve #flashplayerpatch #zerodayinitiative #microsoftpatchtuesdayoctober2020
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, Sept. 2020 Edition - Microsoft today released updates to remedy nearly 130 security vulnerabilities in its Windows operat... #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2020 #microsoftexchangeserver #microsoftsharepoint #zerodayinitiative #cve-2020-16875 #recordedfuture #securitytools #cve-2020-1210 #dustinchilds #timetopatch #toddschell #alanliska #tenable #ivanti
#ivanti #tenable #alanliska #toddschell #timetopatch #dustinchilds #securitytools #recordedfuture #cve #zerodayinitiative #microsoftsharepoint #microsoftexchangeserver #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2020
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, May 2020 Edition - Microsoft today issued software updates to plug at least 111 security holes in Windows and Windows-b... more: #latestwarnings #cve-2020-1054 #cve-2020-1117 #cve-2020-1126 #cve-2020-1135 #cve-2020-1143 #adobeacrobat #satnamnarang #timetopatch #adobereader #flashplayer #toddschell #tenable #ivanti
#ivanti #tenable #toddschell #flashplayer #adobereader #timetopatch #satnamnarang #adobeacrobat #cve #latestwarnings