Sorry to hear that #JacquesHaitkin, the inventive American #cinematographer, has passed. A major force in sustaining the rubber reality of the first two #ANightmareOnElmStreet films (1984/85), he would collaborate further with Wes Craven and Jack Sholder (#TheHidden, 1987) and excelled with limited budgets, notably #GalaxyOfTerror (1981), #ToDieFor (1989), Larry Cohen's #TheAmbulance and Frank Darabont's #BuriedAlive (both 1990).
#jacqueshaitkin #cinematographer #anightmareonelmstreet #thehidden #galaxyofterror #todiefor #theambulance #buriedalive #rip #inmemoriam
#ArloMckinely #ToDieFor #CountryMusic @americana
Watch To Die For on YouTube Music
#arlomckinely #todiefor #countrymusic
Ha! #satisfaction. Often thought about buying #AirPodsMax from #apple, and an #AppleWatch. However, I have never thought much of the way they treat me as a customer. So I found myself with a bit of spare cash, and bought some alternative brand products instead. #sony headphones, #todiefor.
#satisfaction #airpodsmax #apple #applewatch #sony #todiefor
#DunkleIsNowPlaying 🎶
(I Just) Died in Your Arms
by To/Die/For
The next #BandcampFriday is March 3, 2023 🤘
#BandcampFriday #music #gothicmetal #jaded #todiefor #dunkleisnowplaying #nowplaying
A no-client Monday so why not make a Mochi Waffle with Banana Foster and Custard Cream. #todiefor
Tänään minut rauhoittaa nukkumaan #ToDieFor #TOOL sekä #TheGathering
Hyvää yötä ja huomenta ja alkavaa viikkoa
#metalheadclub #metallimusiilki #metalli #thegathering #tool #todiefor
Tänään minut rauhoittaa nukkumaan #ToDieFor #TimoTolkki #Epica ja #Sirenia
Hyvää yötä
#sirenia #epica #timotolkki #todiefor
Tänään rauhoitun #ToDieFor #EternalTearsOfSorrow ja #Sentended parissa
#todiefor #eternaltearsofsorrow #sentended #metallimusiikki #metalheadclub