Day 5 of the Sketch-A-Day Challenge: ToeJam
#SketchADay #ArtistsOnMastodon #FanArt #MastoArt #ToeJam #ToeJamAndEarl
#sketchaday #artistsonmastodon #fanart #mastoart #toejam #toejamandearl
With the help of @Oci and @shyra these two were able to return to Funkitron in time for the holidays.
#ToeJam&Earl #SegaGenesis #RetroGaming
#RetroGaming #segagenesis #toejam
On a whim, I whipped out a piece of paper and thought, "How many of my favorite characters' heads could I fit on one sheet of paper?"
Seven. The answer is seven.
#FanArt #DrawingExperiment #HanddrawnArt #DigitallyColoredArt #Ickis #AaahhRealMonsters #JennyWakeman #XJ9 #MyLifeAsATeenageRobot #MLAATR #TurangaLeela #Leela #Futurama #EarthwormJim #KickButtowski #KBSD #ToeJam #ToeJamAndEarl #Zitz #BattleToads
#fanart #drawingexperiment #handdrawnart #digitallycoloredart #ickis #aaahhrealmonsters #jennywakeman #xj9 #mylifeasateenagerobot #mlaatr #turangaleela #leela #futurama #earthwormjim #kickbuttowski #kbsd #toejam #toejamandearl #zitz #battletoads
I seriously need to draw these two again. This is the latest drawing I have of them and it's from 2019...
#ToeJamAndEarl #FanArt #HumaNatureStudios #ToeJam #BigRappinEarl #90s #SEGAGenesis #SEGAMegaDrive
#toejamandearl #fanart #humanaturestudios #toejam #bigrappinearl #90s #segagenesis #segamegadrive