RT @IRENA@twitter.com
.@IRENA@twitter.com is providing support to 83 countries under the #ParisAgreement as they enhance their ambition & implement their national climate policies & plans - @flacamera@twitter.com at the @ndcpartnership@twitter.com event 'Delivering Ambitious Climate Commitments' at #COP27.
#parisagreement #cop27 #togetherforimplementation
The first week of #COP27 is over. The task for week 2 will be to deliver a clear message to the world that countries, companies and others are serious about tackling the #ClimateEmergency. In this blog I explore the challenges ➡️ https://www.c2es.org/2022/10/cop-27-pivoting-from-negotiation-to-implementation/ #cop27egypt #TogetherForImplementation
#togetherforimplementation #cop27egypt #ClimateEmergency #cop27
RT @GrupoGFLAC@twitter.com
✊🏻🌎El financiamiento climático no debe incrementar brechas de género.
Exigimos que sea equitativo a nivel regional y temáticamente.
👉🏻Nuestras voces en https://www.gflac.org/manifiesto-cop
#TogetherForImplementation #cop27
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GrupoGFLAC/status/1590969827040043008
#togetherforimplementation #cop27
RT @Kathleen_A_Mar@twitter.com
Hey #COP27 crowd: we know that communicating the facts of #climate change is not enough. Let's talk about climate communication that can empower and mobilize action. With inputs from @JungAWI@twitter.com @LouisCelliers@twitter.com @omniaelomrani1@twitter.com #togetherforimplementation https://www.iass-potsdam.de/en/events/innovative-communication-formats-mobilizing-climate-action
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Kathleen_A_Mar/status/1590380523653804033
#togetherforimplementation #Climate #cop27
The #Benelux #EIB Pavilion at #COP27 is open and ready to host 👇 Don’t miss out the events at this shared 🇳🇱🇧🇪🇱🇺 Benelux - European Investment Bank Pavilion #COP27P in the coming two weeks.
Full program: https://events.eib.org/event/b1eec45c-9b8b-4751-9eb1-1d0f9fd4349d/summary
#beneluxunion #togetherforimplementation #climateaction #COP27P #cop27 #eib #benelux
The time for #ClimateAction is now. We all have a role to play.
Egypte wil zich profileren als voorvechter van een eerlijke verdeling van de kosten van #Klimaatverandering
#climateaction #togetherforimplementation #cop27 #klimaatverandering